What film did you watch last night?

Sisu = 8/10

Not usually one for history/war movies but this was great fun.
There is that one thing near the end...

No one is walking away from that plane crash.
If you wanted Sisu to live, then crash the plane in a violent but more believable fashion.

... not enough to ruin the movie for me, but it stands out like an idiotic sore thumb.
Sisu = 8/10

Not usually one for history/war movies but this was great fun.
There is that one thing near the end...

No one is walking away from that plane crash.
If you wanted Sisu to live, then crash the plane in a violent but more believable fashion.

... not enough to ruin the movie for me, but it stands out like an idiotic sore thumb.
I watched it as well and its an 8/10 for me as well..

Plane Crash:
Hasnt there been a few ww2 planes bought up fully in tact and preserved after crashing to peat bogs? From what i recall a couple of the instances they determined that the pilot died from drowning rather than the impact due to the bog/marsh properties? I agree it did look to be a mad impact and yes i guess they could have done it another way but i guess it showed his determination again along with his moniker.. ;)
Dungeons and Dragons - wont give a rating as I turned off about half way through. I never played the games or read any books so it didn't really click with me, even as a generic fantasy film.

Guy Ritchie's The Coveneant - 7/10. A bit slow in parts and not really a Guy Ritchie movie imo. I generally like all these US soldiers stories set in Iraq/Afghanistan based on true stories etc so I still enjoyed it all the same.

Species III , pretty mediocre only plus points are a couple of good looking girls showing there womanly attributes as much as possible.. 5/10
Dungeons and Dragons - wont give a rating as I turned off about half way through. I never played the games or read any books so it didn't really click with me, even as a generic fantasy film.
had the same reaction. I keep wanting a propper remake of the 80's cartoon version myself.
Dungeons and Dragons - wont give a rating as I turned off about half way through. I never played the games or read any books so it didn't really click with me, even as a generic fantasy film.
I thought it was quite good to be honest.

Maybe not quite as funny as I was hoping for, but it had its moments.

I'm not too familiar with D&D but recognised places mentioned due to the games (Balder's Gate, Never winter etc)

Probably needed more scenes near the start building the relationship between Chris Pine/Michelle Rodriguez and the daughter so that it impacted a bit more.

Guy Richies The Covenant - 7.5 / 10

I'm a bit hit and miss with Guy Richie films overall, but seeing this comment

Guy Ritchie's The Coveneant - 7/10. A bit slow in parts and not really a Guy Ritchie movie imo. I generally like all these US soldiers stories set in Iraq/Afghanistan based on true stories etc so I still enjoyed it all the same.


made the decision to watch it yesterday :p

And I really enjoyed it

It had "Lone Survivor" vibes in the first half, which is no bad thing, and I agree that even with a few usual GR quirks, it didn't feel like a GR film overall.

Sure there were a couple of parts that were a bit silly and jarring, but it didn't detract from the overall film. And even through to the end I wasn't sure how it would turn out, so it kept the suspension going.
The Covenant, agree with the above and have it as a 7/10.

Good watch, felt like it missed out a bit on the certain sections. could have really pushed home the emotion and pulled the audience in further I feel without giving anything away. If that was included I think this had the potential to be a 9/10.
Fast X (2023) - 3/10

An entertainingly wild ride full of excessive destruction and carnage, but not a good film.

The thin plot barely holds the convoluted globetrotting and action scenes together and although the stunts are over the top and fun to watch, there’s only so much car racing and destruction you can watch and the quality of the special effects noticeably varied.

Momoa as the villain is by far the best part with an excellent performance which channels “The Joker” at times, creating a great opposite to the bland blatantly heroically idolized Diesel.

Overly long as it has to give every character their scene to shine, but with so many characters, none get any depth and some end up meaningless.

The humour was poor, some of the dialogue was painfully trite and the ending
(or lack thereof) was disappointing, even if it does promise for an epic, grand finale
Sisu (2022) - 6/10

A simple but good story which is well paced but didn’t really deliver. The style is reminiscent of a visual novel with striking imagery, limited dialogue and inter-film titles, but I think it would have been better in the native languages rather than English.

The action scenes were good but I was expecting more of them and more from them; they were violent and bloody and the struggles were engaging, but it could have been more.

The acting was a bit hit and miss and the ending, although humorous, stretched credibility a bit too far.
Watched this last night, made Rambo look like a pussy
The Super Mario Bros. Movie - was really fun and enjoyable to watch 9/10.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - there were some funny moments but the story was weak and I was kinda disappointing overall 5/10.
Air - the Michael Jordan / Nike story.

This was good, but I couldn’t help feel afterwards like it was a bit thin with its scope. It covers quite a short period of time, so short that we don’t really see any character growth. I would actually prefer a slightly extended, expanded version that had some more emphasis on the characters / drama. As it is, it’s very much a retelling of a work project rather than anything that has left an impression emotionally.

On the flip side, this means it’s a fairly concise and lean watch.

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