What film did you watch last night?

Guardians Of the Galaxy 3... I quite enjoyed it however i prefered the tone and the story of the second film. It was ok but there were a load of groan bits including but not limited to Adam Warlock, some of the jokes just didnt amuse me and although it was visually pretty good i didnt think it was as good as number 2. IMO This was a 7 out of 10 and for clarity i think GOTG 2 was a 8 and the original GOTG was a 6-6.5.

Also the game is very good as well and visually superb in places with a great soundtrack as well.
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Halloween https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077651/?ref_=ttls_li_i

Quite good, though I guess I was hoping for a little more,
but maybe that's due to the budget for the first one, and the age of it.
I think watching a movie like this that's so well known will diminish the impact of a first time viewing so long after it came out.

I had the same issue when I finally watched Jaws start to finish in a single sitting about 10 years ago. I'd seen it all before but never all at once, always catching bits on TV when I grew up, around at friends, snippets on other shows but never in a single go.

I finished feeling a bit 'oh, that's it' despite some fantastic performances - however had I watched it earlier in my life in it's entirety, my view might be completely different.
I do also think that films that remained 'classics' for decades, have been somewhat diminished in more recent times. It's just a natural progression of time and technology.

I would even include the likes of Star Wars in that.

It would be interesting to compare an Empire readers top 100 list from the 90's, to one in the 2020's. I bet black and white movies are falling more and more out of favour in the 'top 100 movies of all time' lists as the decades fly by.
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I watched Die Hard with a Vengeance a couple of nights ago and aside from the film (which is great), I was struck how there don’t seem to be many films made in this sort of style any more.

It’s very fast paced with lots taking place across numerous sets (with very nominal computer aided effects): in respect of impressive directing etc you have the explosion in the opening, the car chase across the city in the taxi, the train scene, the gold raid, the dam scene, the second car chase, the school scene, getting onto the boat, the action on the boat and then the helicopter finale. All taking place in one gruelling day!

^There’s a lot of diversity there but the action is met with the same amount of narrative. You definitely don’t get that with something like John Wick.

I hold the film in really high regard on that basis, arguably better than the original in respect of its scope and execution (but of course Alan Rickman makes the original awesome).

So that’s sort of the opposite of Halloween - a film that really stands the test of time in respect of its execution.
I remember when I first watched Die Hard with a Vengeance I didn't really think that much of it, especially compared to the first two. Since then it's become one of my favourites in the franchise. In order of favourite it probably goes DH (just can't beat the original), DHwaV, DH2, DH4, barely DH (5).
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^There’s a lot of diversity there but the action is met with the same amount of narrative. You definitely don’t get that with something like John Wick.

I hold the film in really high regard on that basis, arguably better than the original in respect of its scope and execution (but of course Alan Rickman makes the original awesome).

I always thought the John Wick films were somewhat disappointing in their one dimensionality. The second film felt like it was going places but it never happened. More like a glossier version of Taken. Of all the recent revenge films I think The Accountant had the best execution.

In terms of scope I think that's something that Michael Bay does well. Most recently with Ambulance, which harks back to his 90s actioners like The Rock and Bad Boys. It's the little details that make a difference, like giving bit part characters lines to say.
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