What film did you watch last night?

The Godfather

Incredibly, I'd never got round to watching this before. It's reputation as a cinematic masterpiece is well deserved: slow, moody, excellently written, and with many standout performances. 3 hours long, but unlike many modern movies of similar length, it actually feels like it needs to be.

A definite watch 9/10

Btw: are the sequels worth it? Or are they more on the cash-in end of things?
The second is better, imo. I loved the first for Brando but Pacino is great in the 2nd and I prefer the story. The third is so so..
The second is better, imo. I loved the first for Brando but Pacino is great in the 2nd and I prefer the story. The third is so so..
I always preferred the original, nonetheless, part 2 is as many say, excellent.

If you watch The Godfather 1 and 2, watch three only to finish the trilogy. There are so many movie sequels which ruin the original legacy (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Terminator, Predator etc). The Godfather part 3 doesn't fall into this camp, it's not an overly bad film, just not as good. Still worth a watch.
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Ralph Breaks the Internet

This was a real chore for the first half - there was absolutely nothing interesting for adults as the characters were so flat and dull, those terrible ‘aimed at children’ characters, you know? It overall felt like the basic-ness of the recent Super Mario Brothers film but WAY less visually interesting, really childish dialogue and the ‘nostalgia’ being seeing websites like Google, EBay and Twitter. Blergh. I considered turning it off.

Thankfully, things picked up from around when the Disney Princesses showed up and finally developed some emotional conflict. Everything was still predictable and had no threat, but the humour picked up too with a couple of great laughs (particularly the out of nowhere ‘bee pun’).

I like the direction they took it in the second half and it might be OK for kids, but things like Puss in Boots 2 absolutely blow this out of the water.

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Extraction II

Pretty much on par with the first, a bit more background story on this one which was better. But...I found the action too far fetched, getting on top of the train with an M60 shooting helicopters down etc which was worse.

"Talk to me"
Quite good actually - Didn't outstay its welcome (though I think the spirits did), and wasn't quiet quiet BANG. I liked the soundtrack as well. Would like to see more horror films like this.
The Eternals - 6.5/10

An unpopular opinion BUT seeing the recent MCU movies this was actually a breath of fresh air.

It tries something different. It doesn't suceed on many levels but just the effort to do something different is appreciative. Too big of a cast to make any really stand out but the scale of this I find vastly superior to more recent offerings. The Deviants are terrible and probably one of the worst 'villains' made by Marvel movies but the overall story and it's arc is actually well done, if only it was recognised in any of the Marvel films afterwards. It isn't great but tbh with the recent churn out of Marvel films and TV shows it was refreshing. Whilst none of the characters were particularly rememorable it is still very different, and different enough to be interesting at least.
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oppenheimer 6/10

actually I watched this today (sorry, I know the thread asks what you watched last night, but I don't care, sue me)

It was alright a watch, it was a bit hyped from all the advertising. not as good as I hoped, but not as bad as I feared.
Decend acting a good script to a point, but it was 3 hours, too long for some so I came out of cinema after what seemed like 160 years

could have had the last hour of it cut out, and it would have been better.
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