What film did you watch last night?

Nope - that was surprisingly good for this type of a film, a solid 8/10.
The Flash - not sure why so much hate towards this film, for some reason I found it quite funny and not all that bad. 6/10

Agreed on both there. Nope was just great...weird/scifi. The Flash - thought it was going to be awful, but found it mostly rather good.
Strays (2023)

Like an 'R' rated version of 1995 classic 'babe' except only focusing on dogs and with some gross-out humour.

Not sure how much it would appeal to people who don't like dogs and all their quirks, but my wife and I thought it was very funny in places.

Dogs doing mushrooms was particularly amusing.

The Flash - not sure why so much hate towards this film, for some reason I found it quite funny and not all that bad. 6/10
Oddly, I loved the Keaton/Batman parts despite finding Burtons movies the worst of the big screen adaptions - I think I just relate to grumpy old men more these days :D
Talk To Me

Decent horror as far as modern horrors go, was surprised that the Aussie accents didn't get grating.


Joy Ride

Passable silly comedy thing, like an Asian Bridesmaids, without the annoying McCarthy. Laughed a few times which is all you can hope for from a comedy these days.

Logan Lucky - Turns out I'd actually seen this before but I enjoyed it again, nice little comedy heist 7.5/10
The Trip - Weird little Norwegian black comedy (I seem to have accidently watched a lot of these lately) Surprisingly violent but very good 7/10
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Logan Lucky - Turns out I'd actually seen this before but I enjoyed it again, nice little comedy heist 7.5/10

Parts of this are really good, some of it is really meh. Considering it's Directed by Steven Soderbergh. I have no idea why they thought making Seth McFarlane English was funny, or why he's so overplayed.

Did anyone ever work out Hilary Swank's character?

Fun for a first watch but needs to be much better for follow ups for me.
Jules - 8/10

An old man, sliding into dementia, has a space ship crash land on his azaleas... Just a really nice, easy-to-watch movie.
Equalizer 3 - 7/10

(Reposted from that thread)
Enjoyable enough, but I found the finale a bit anti-climactic.

I guess it subverted the previous two finale's, but
It was basically Denzel easily murdering people, as opposed to being in jeopardy

Also could have done with more Dakota Fanning and Denzel Washington scenes. Her plot felt a bit muddled/unconnected to what was going on.

It makes me want to re-watch Man of Fire though.

Creasy Bear.
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Equalizer 3 - 7/10

(Reposted from that thread)
Enjoyable enough, but I found the finale a bit anti-climactic.

I guess it subverted the previous two finale's, but
It was basically Denzel easily murdering people, as opposed to being in jeopardy

Also could have done with more Dakota Fanning and Denzel Washington scenes. Her plot felt a bit muddled/unconnected to what was going on.

It makes me want to re-watch Man of Fire though.

Creasy Bear.
Pretty much exactly how I feel about it as well.

Equalizer 3 - 7/10

Better than 2, on a par with 1. But yeah

too much of Maccall enabling cheat mode and just killing people without any personal risk, though a few of the kills did raise a chuckle and I suspect the actor playing the main baddie wasn't actually told the guys head would fall off :cry:

Dakota Fanning is criminally underused in this.
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Deep Water - very average drama/thriller about a strange relationship/couple, saving grace for me is Ana De Armas is in it, 5/10.
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