What film did you watch last night?

The Mother (2023) - 6/10

A predictable and traditional action thriller which could have done with more context and a shorter run time.

With her delicate features and slight build Lopez doesn’t really suit the ex-services or distant mother characters, but she does a good job in both roles nonetheless.

The other characters are ok if a bit bland and stereotypical. Good action and chase scenes but the second half drags on with not much happening until the finale which is good fun if a bit silly.
Source Code - 7.5 / 10

Jake Gyllenhaal in a rather different 'groundhog day' / time travel type movie (trying not to give anything away). I think it's rather full of plot holes, but it's an enjoyable, reasonable short watch.

I do enjoy this film, seen it multiple times, but just like Devil’s Advocate, it should have ended a few mins earlier.
The House of the Devil https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1172994/

A tense, slow start, and it doesn't outstay its welcome either. Rather good!

Something that struck me quite quickly was how well the ~1980s were signified throughout.

The moment the friend in the car was shot completely caught me out.
It looked like something sinister was going to happen, but I didn't expect that sudden end to her life.

I wonder whether they intended to make another film, since while in hospital, we see that the young lady is now pregnant?
The House of the Devil https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1172994/

A tense, slow start, and it doesn't outstay its welcome either. Rather good!

Something that struck me quite quickly was how well the ~1980s were signified throughout.

The moment the friend in the car was shot completely caught me out.
It looked like something sinister was going to happen, but I didn't expect that sudden end to her life.

I wonder whether they intended to make another film, since while in hospital, we see that the young lady is now pregnant?
Glad you liked it, captures the 80's satanic panic perfectly - Ti West peaked with this and The Sacrament imo.
Us (2019) 5/10

Always intrigued by the mythology that surrounds Doppelgangers!

So, seeing the Beeb have stocked up horror films on iPlayer - gave this a watch.

Not what I expected! Us is like a Zombie film. Enjoyed the start and when the family turned up, a great scene. For me, it goes downhill afterwards. The overarching plot and the rest of the film just seemed daft. Shame as quite a decent premise!
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I do enjoy this film, seen it multiple times, but just like Devil’s Advocate, it should have ended a few mins earlier.
Yeah, to be quite honest, I would have given it more credit if they just had him die... Did they explain at any point how one person's memory had all the information the person hadn't seen? That was the biggest plot hole, I guess.
Scary Movie 2

Never saw this back in the day. There’s a childishness to the humour that’s quite appealing, and the actress who
plays Cindy is genuinely funny, but it’s relentlessly ableist which has aged very badly. It’s sort of amazing that this was ever thought of as being socially acceptable and it really wasn’t that long ago.

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Anna Faris played Cindy. She was a big deal at the time and was in a lot of stuff.

Scary movie tried to be in the spoof style of airplane and Hot Shot. Total all out
over the top silly humour.
Elemental... Disney Pixar latest film, it's actually pretty good, watched it with my boy and he thought it was great. Not really sure what all the negativity was about really, seemed like a typical Disney film to me, quite enjoyable. I don't think they will get much out of toy sales etc as I don't think there's much toy wise you can get out of it,
Scary Movie 2

...but it’s relentlessly ableist which has aged very badly. It’s sort of amazing that this was ever thought of as being socially acceptable and it really wasn’t that long ago.
I can't remember watching this film but what do you mean by "relentlessly ableist"? Not trying to start an internet ruckus, I'm genuinely interested in what you mean.
Scary Movie 2

Never saw this back in the day. There’s a childishness to the humour that’s quite appealing, and the actress who
plays Cindy is genuinely funny, but it’s relentlessly ableist which has aged very badly. It’s sort of amazing that this was ever thought of as being socially acceptable and it really wasn’t that long ago.


I'd say 22 years ago is a fairly long time ago tbh.

It has aged badly but is evidently a product of its time, there was a lot of childish humour around at that time for better or worse, things weren't taken so seriously back then.

The trends of finding offence in everything is a relatively recent movement, and is a by product of social media and the lemmings that frequent it.

That being said they weren't good movies when they came out and were critically panned, however the youth at the time found them hilarious and went to see the movies, it made ok money world wide enough for them to make a scary movie 3, personally I only saw 1 & 2 and then grew up.
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Saw X - 7/10

I think I preferred Spiral. It was good but suffered from being one of those 'flashback' films in the middle of other films so you know too much about what comes later and who is safe/dies etc
Scary Movie 2

Never saw this back in the day. There’s a childishness to the humour that’s quite appealing, and the actress who
plays Cindy is genuinely funny, but it’s relentlessly ableist which has aged very badly. It’s sort of amazing that this was ever thought of as being socially acceptable and it really wasn’t that long ago.

Take my strong hand :D
I can't remember watching this film but what do you mean by "relentlessly ableist"? Not trying to start an internet ruckus, I'm genuinely interested in what you mean.

There is a lot of humour against people with disabilities. It starts out funny since it’s the sort of film that mocks everything and everyone, but the way the disability humour goes on and on and on ends up feeling off.

For example of the sorts of joke I’m on about there’s a scene where a guy in a wheelchair says he will explore upstairs, then spends about a minute trying to climb stairs (whilst in his wheelchair), struggling / failing. He’s offered help, but gets offended at the suggestion of help, as he can ‘do it himself’ (when it’s very clear that he can’t).

It’s played for gags of course but it’s pretty insensitive to say the least!

Take my strong hand :D

:o - for those that don’t get the reference, there’s another character who has a disfigured hand and constantly grosses everyone out with it. The childishness of some of those scene did amuse me, I can’t deny it!
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