What film did you watch last night?

Suspiria (1977)

This is one of the last ‘popular horror cult classics’ on my list to watch and in short it was pretty darn good. I knew nothing about it other than it being visually very striking.

Very good use of colour and music, definitely has a unique feel. Imagery is pretty intense in places and there are some good shock moment - pretty full on for a film of this age, I’d say!

Some of the lines are delivered in a supremely flat manner and there is a bit of ‘non-acting’ but if you can get over that and the age of the film generally, I’d say it’s a great Halloween watch.

9/10 - including a bonus half point for having its own unique vibe (in a sea of over familiarity in the genre).
Last Night In Soho 8/10

Stylish, beautiful cinematography and a great performance from the lead actress

I thought the set-up for this was great but the ‘horror’ aspects were underdeveloped. It really flopped in the second half (IMO).

It would have been better to either keep the horror aspects very light, or make it more sinister. But the ‘oogie boogie’ ghosts were just :o and felt very ‘stock’.
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One of the best superhero films if you ask me. More gritty and character/story driven than the drivel you get now (the marvels).

I like the psychological aspect of it. In fact, the whole film is pretty balanced, it has something for everyone, a bit of cheese, some action, nothing over the top (like some films) etc. It's just a very well executed film, I was surprised at the time that a lot of people didn't like it, perhaps it's aged well or perhaps I'm mistaken in my perception of how it was received originally.

Edit: it scored highly on IMDb and Rotten Toms so perhaps I'm mistaken in my view that people didn't like it.

Edit2: I was sort of right, it didn't do well at the cinema, from Wiki:

The film underperformed at the box office, grossing over $185.4 million worldwide against a production budget between $130–138 million; however, the film later found financial success at the home media markets.[13] Greg Silverman (former Warner Bros executive) said that the film did later become profitable.[14]
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I like the psychological aspect of it. In fact, the whole film is pretty balanced, it has something for everyone, a bit of cheese, some action, nothing over the top (like some films) etc. It's just a very well executed film, I was surprised at the time that a lot of people didn't like it, perhaps it's aged well or perhaps I'm mistaken in my perception of how it was received originally.

Edit: it scored highly on IMDb and Rotten Toms so perhaps I'm mistaken in my view that people didn't like it.

Edit2: I was sort of right, it didn't do well at the cinema, from Wiki:

The film underperformed at the box office, grossing over $185.4 million worldwide against a production budget between $130–138 million; however, the film later found financial success at the home media markets.[13] Greg Silverman (former Warner Bros executive) said that the film did later become profitable.[14]

Alan Moore had a bit of a hissy fit (huge simplification) over it as well, refuses any payments and gave them all to Dave Gibbons from either the movie or the series - he has similar feelings about V for Vendetta too. Unsure what his thoughts on From Hell are, all 3 movies i've just mentioned have excellent movie adaptions.

Don't shoot me but I literally know nothing about it other than the film :o

That's absolutely fine - regardless of knowing the original material, it still stands up as a rock solid movie.
Watchmen was critically trashed on release - at the time, I think the combo of superheroes and ultra violence was considered very ‘low brow’ whereas critics now are far more open to superhero flicks existing in forms that are different to ‘family / teen blockbuster’. The length and soundtrack were also panned… but I think the soundtrack did sort of a ‘Guardians Mixtape’ thing before Guardians, with Hendrix etc.

I remember quite enjoying it on release and it staying very close to the comic - many iconic panels were recreated. It’s just the ending (and minor aspects of Rorschach‘s backstory) that were notable. I’m also in the camp that thinks the changes were for the best, for a film.

Haven’t seen it since so I’ll have to give it another whirl!
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Man of Steel https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770828/

I saw a scene posted on YT which appealed to me, so I thought I'd check it out.

I quite enjoyed it, though after a while the impressive visuals, in some instances, started to get repetitive?
Eventually, I got a little bored and switched off.
I have a dream one day we'll get a good superman movie.
I thought the set-up for this was great but the ‘horror’ aspects were underdeveloped. It really flopped in the second half (IMO).

It would have been better to either keep the horror aspects very light, or make it more sinister. But the ‘oogie boogie’ ghosts were just :o and felt very ‘stock’.
Yeah, I didn’t enjoy this very much. Thought it was very much style over substance and went completely off the boil in the second half.
Ballerina (2023) - 6/10

A weird ‘avenging angel’ revenge thriller with slick and brutal action scenes and a vulnerable yet kickass lead.

The story’s straightforward and interesting enough with a stylish modern noir setting and some quirky humour, but the ‘art’ scenes, although good, didn’t really fit with it.

Strong emotional acting and good soundtrack, but it left me wanting rather than fulfilled.
Aliens for about the fiftieth time, this time the directors cut in 4k. I'm going to give this 9/10.

I don't throw this score around lightly, but this film is an utter masterpiece. Strong female characters done right. Diversity in there too, all great characters. Disney take note. What a film.

No crappy CGI, all done with practical effects, and it still looks great, 37 years later.

One of the greatest films of all time.
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