What film did you watch last night?

The Exorcist for the second time in fifty years. I did not remember much of it now from the first viewing but it exceeded my expectations for a seventies horror movie. Quite good.
Probably my favourite horror, just class. The Omen (original) with Gregory Peck is my other.

Not sure if you've ever watched, The Omen, or The Shining - both on iPlayer - highly recommended.
Quatermain duology (King Solomons mines, lost city of gold)

late 80s cheesy goodness, bit poorly at the moment and watching these has cheered me up a bit. Watched these on VHS as a kid :)
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Paddington - 6½/10

Not my usual speed... but RottenTomatos rated the second as the best sequel ever... so to see that, I have to see the first, right? If you can accept that people accept a talking bear, it's a reasonably fun movie. Obviously rather family orientated. Will watch the sequel tomorrow :)
Had family over yesterday, including a small child, so when perusing the movies, iI suggested this one, remembering it was quite fun. Tbh, before looking what I'd scored it before I was thinking 'as a family movie' I would probably score it 7½ or 8... I think it shows how who you watch a movie with can affect your enjoyment of a film. With family members laughing along and enjoying it, I enjoyed it more than when I watched it alone.
Had family over yesterday, including a small child, so when perusing the movies, iI suggested this one, remembering it was quite fun. Tbh, before looking what I'd scored it before I was thinking 'as a family movie' I would probably score it 7½ or 8... I think it shows how who you watch a movie with can affect your enjoyment of a film. With family members laughing along and enjoying it, I enjoyed it more than when I watched it alone.

I can't watch movies/tv shows with anyone other than immediate family. They don't have the will power to STFU.

If i'm watching something it's because i want to see all of it and understand what is going on, they will chat crap throughout ie what they had to eat for that day or where they are off on holiday - and then ask what is happening in the movie/show or claim it was crap because they didn't understand it! Does my nut in.
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Saw X - was a bit better than expected tbh - definitely on the upper ranking of sequels. I think it was actually far better in the first half before all the chaos really kicks off, a decent build up and nice to see a bit of exploration with John and Amandas relationship. The traps were gloriously gory and a few times I was gritting my teeth a little.

As always, I project into the minds of the victims and wonder if I could survive any of the scenarios, sadly, i'm again a goner in this one :D
The Others (2001)

I dismissed this as a younger person for being too tame (i.e. lacking violence and gore) but in the age of ‘make it as disturbing or gross as possible’ it’s refreshingly restrained and overall well worth a watch (or revisit).

I’d say this has some of the best child acting I’ve ever seen - they are very believable and it feels like you’re really watching two non-fictional children taking to each other.

Of course if you know the ‘twist’ then this does take a lot of the rewatch factor out of it… and even then it’s so obviously sign-posted throughout the whole film that I can’t believe my teenage brain couldn’t figure it out at the time :o

Of course if you know the ‘twist’ then this does take a lot of the rewatch factor out of it… and even then it’s so obviously sign-posted throughout the whole film that I can’t believe my teenage brain couldn’t figure it out at the time :o
The Sixth Sense is similar, when you know the twist and rewatch, it seems almost blindingly obvious - there are certain visual cues with colour that also make it apparent.

From memory, the colour red is used heavily when ghosts are around and when you see Willis character as a ghost
The Exorcist for the second time in fifty years. I did not remember much of it now from the first viewing but it exceeded my expectations for a seventies horror movie. Quite good.

Watching my digital copy in 4k tonight via Apple iTunes, not watched this movie in years.

Last night I watched Talk To Me on Netflix, erm it was pretty pants, was expecting something a bit better after seeing quite a few glowing reviews for this. really average movie and not at all scary, quite unlikable main protagonists, and all the scary parts were laughable drooling people trying to be scary.

Suspiria (original)

I enjoyed it, it had a good setup and eeriness in the beginning, but was a bit shallow in the second half. Of the Dario Argento films I've seen, I preferred Deep Red, which had a better soundtrack too.

Oppenheimer. I enjoyed it on the whole but I felt it was too long, I didn't like the fact it was jumping around in his lifetime and it was based on 2 hearings both on himself and Lewis Strauss. Some very good performances though, both Murphy and Downey Jr. should get award nominations and wins next year. Nolan on the other hand is getting there but I don't think he'll get the award nod though. a solid 7/10.
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