What film did you watch last night?

I generally don't care much for films with those 'clever' titles where the plot is anything but clever, but I quite enjoyed this so 7/10

If it was someone watching Aliens for the first time, I would argue the theatrical cut is more suspensful as you don't really know what happend to the colonists until the ambush.

But for subsequent viewings the extended edition is better.

Imo it makes more sense with the full version particularly when it shows they were dealing with the sheer numbers in the horde of aliens on LV-426. The Theatrical version doesnt do this nearly as well but there is pros and cons on both.
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Cocaine: One Man's Seduction https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085350/

I found this on YT, quite good. I remember Dennis Weaver in Duel, which I believe was Spielberg's first movie.
Worth watching.

I thought I recognised his wife in this film, Karen Grassle, she was in Little House on the Prairie.
Also, Pamela Bellwood, was in Dynasty, something I watched quite a bit as a child.
Raging Bull

The main character was so unlikeable that I struggled with this one. Someone said the violence was hard to watch I thought they meant the boxing not the domestic violence.
I do think it is a brilliant film but dark. Love how it's filmed!

I always bang on about this, forget CGI, shooting in Black and White transforms a film.

Jake Lamotta was like Evel Knievel, a legend in his own time but a nasty piece of work.

The thing is neither gave a hoot!
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The Grudge (2004)

I promote this film to death on here and, once again, it delivers.

Somehow, this time I stumbled across the ‘directors cut’ version which is around 6 minutes longer and contained way more emphasis on the violent sections… but in a way that actually provides some meaningful context. A lot of stuff is left up to the imagination in the theatrical cut, or there’s quick ‘cut always’ from gore, but this time it was relatively ramped up. One piece of disturbing imagery was extended from what I’m used to being a one second ‘still’ to whopping 6 seconds:

The scene of Yoko without her jaw… usually this is the most fleeting of images but this time she was moving towards the camera for an age with her tongue rolling around… eurgh! Do not want! :eek:

There is also a lot more imagery of the murders, helping to explain some of the ‘ghostly behaviours’. Why the hanging man was making such a racket is also revealed… I always thought he was inexplicably noisy but now I know… :eek:

I gather a lot of this was cut out to give it a PG13 rating in the US.

Being a fan, this was like seeing a totally new version of the film. What a ‘treat’! It’s certainly the definitive version. Less is sometimes more but everything extra here was definitely more… and the clarity of certain events made it all even more disturbing.

I still think this is one of the best horror films ever and the American remake is deffo superior to the original. There is only one downside really; the presence of Sarah Michelle Gellar is just a little distracting as she is a bit ‘Hollywood / pretty’ although she plays the role fine. The film capitalises on the with a really naff ‘shower scene’ that belonged on the editing room floor, or in some lesser film.

Great stuff - it still gets under my skin all these years later.

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At least the theatrical version of Aliens doesn't have the awful Ellen/Dwayne interaction - it's a total momentum killer in the build up to the finale.

Yea that one scene is cringey as ****.

Fortunately I had seen the theatrical many times, and it was many years before I ever saw the special edition so it didn't taint the movie, because that what, 10 second scene? is almost enough to ruin everything.

As I said though, grew up on the theatrical version. I like and probably prefer the special edition, particularly the part with the sentry turrets, the theatrical always felt like it jumped, but I could never put a finger on it. Seeing the special edition for the first time it was a bit like, ahhhh right yes, now it feels right.

I like the pre colony scenes but..... It does somewhat take away from the suspense when the marines first enter.
The Grudge (2004)

Agreed. One of the best US remakes, I picked up the DVD for £1 the other day! :)

The House that Dripped Blood (1970)

A Hammer House of Horror, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. To be honest, this one was a bit tame, underwhelming. Not the best. Some are quite ghoulish and dark.

Should have watched Nosferatu (1922) instead and crapped myself. :D
Bullet train 2022. 7.5/10

What a bizzare film. On paper I should have loved it. But I found it overly long the characters were decent enough but started wearing thin towards the end.
It's cartoonist action but again by the end we are in fantasy land.
It's fine, I did laugh a lot.
Big name cameos .
Brad Pitt was decent but deffo one of the annoyance to the end.
Talk to Me - 7/10

Solid enough horror, though I’d say it’s as much psychological as it is ‘boo’ horror. Drifted a bit in a couple of places with overlong scenes but overall a decent watch and not a bad way to kill an evening.
Saw X - Utter CRA... 3/10

The ideas behind specific deaths were clever, but the actors NO. I'm sorry you would not just be cutting into your leg or cutting your arm off like it was bread and then just moving onto the next one. Also that women going YOU CAN DO IT, GO ON, JUST DO IT :rolleyes:
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