What film did you watch last night?

The Creator (7 out of 10), thought it was good but very derivative from other films, not necessarily in a bad way. Obvious influences from films such Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Fifth Element etc. sometimes I find it hard to decide whether it a homage or a 'rip off'!

I'm trying to find a clip but the Police Robots motorbike was dead ringer of the one from Star Trek (2009)

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Den of Thieves

Decent brain off film. Gerard Butler was good, Ice Cube's son was the weak link, and one aspect of the story was particularly corny.

Den of Thieves

Decent brain off film. Gerard Butler was good, Ice Cube's son was the weak link, and one aspect of the story was particularly corny.

The Great Escaper - 8/10
Caine and Jackson's last film and they are both superb in it. Based on the story of a care home resident going to the 70th D-Day anniversary, it's more of a story about those who were lucky and the burdens they were left with and finally being ridden of them 70 years later. And Caine's character giving a young soldier a bit of advice in a very classic Michael Caine way :D.

There was a LOT of dust in the air at the cinema.
reptile...really good. Just in case anyone is put off by the title, there are no reptiles, it isn't an action/monster film, in fact I'm struggling as to why it was called that at all. It's a slow burning, slow paced, but really engaging film with Del toro as a police detective investigating a murder and the complications involved in who is intertwined with who in the crime.

So in terms of style and pace it reminds me of Mare of Eastown.

Benincio Del Toro is excellent as a softly spoken but extemely intense character.

One of those "recommended based on" things that netflix popped up, that I'd never heard off, and netflix was right to recommend it to me.
Reptile - 7/10
As many others have said, it was very good, but so many loose threads that didn't get answered?! I went to IMDb to see if I missed something, but no, there are lots of reviews saying the same. Maybe this review covers the most. (Spoilers of course)

So while the film has incredible acting, and has a really neat premise, it just sort of falls apart at the end, because all these questions are left on answered, and there are just too many little bits and pieces that are thrown in that have no reason to be there.
Reptile - 7/10
As many others have said, it was very good, but so many loose threads that didn't get answered?! I went to IMDb to see if I missed something, but no, there are lots of reviews saying the same. Maybe this review covers the most. (Spoilers of course)
Many of the things that that review has stated as unresolved didn't appear unresolved to me. Basically, the cops were planting drugs in houses, the houses were being confiscated, and then being bought at a knockdown price by timberlakes real estate firm and sold for full value, with the cops getting a good cut. So timberlake, his mother and the virtually all the cops on screen were all dirty. It was a multi-million dollar racket, and therefore the cops took to hiding the car in the chiefs house as it would never be discovered. I'd need to see it again to know for sure, but wasn't the church another property that was in the scam, and timberlake had some thoughts his wife was cheating on him and obviously tracked her to the church, hence the paint

The police pulling del toro over was very clearly to be an act of intimidation, remember earlier in the film the cop wearing the really expensive watched tried to intimidate del toro to accept it as a gift, and it seemed they all did not like that he was outside the group.

There is a slight lack of complete clarity at the end as to how it resolves, but enough is given to know that Del toro has basically blown the whistle. And that the senior cop that tried to warn him off at the end was in the group now because he had no exit and was under duress.

Only 2 real things that I didn't understand. 1) The hand waxing bit at the end

2) Why in the world is it called reptile, early on a disgarded snake skin is found in a house....that's why ?
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Heat lite - even to the point of virtually parodying Hanna and Mccauleys finale moment.

I still quite enjoyed it and have watched it a couple of times.

It sure looked like that from the very first scene. I'm a sucker for heist films including the mediocre ones.

Not that it tried to rival it or anything, but Heat is just on another level. One of those rare films that goes beyond being a film into the sublime.
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