What film did you watch last night?

Am I in a minority who rates The Dark Knight as the worst in the trilogy, thinks Heath Ledgers performance was overrated and he only won the Oscar because of his death?
Deck the Halls.........and so begins my christmas movie watching :p

i watch this at least once every christmas as i love it but my god it's a horrible film. Danny DeVitos character is just the horriblest scrote of a human being who manages to make Matthew Brodericks characters life hell, to the point his wife even leaves him (i'd have kicked her into touch for continually blaming MB for DDV's antics)

despite that huge flaw in the film i still love it - nice solid 7/10 for me.
The Terminator is such a great film and it's the film I've seen most times. And I prefer it to Terminator 2.
I'd say your right, the kyle reese flashback sections are so good, the future war scenes are well done, the horror aspect, and Arnold as the bad terminator makes it a winner.

Saw oppheinheimer would give it a 6 and half out of ten, 2 many classroom scenes, i feel it overstayed its welcome, some nice parts but overall not a fan
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I'd say your right, the kyle reese flashback sections are so good, the future war scenes are well done, the horror aspect, and Arnold as the bad terminator makes it a winner.

Don't get me wrong, Terminator 2 is a great film but The Terminator is superior imo.

The first time I heard of The Terminator was on a TV program called Entertainment USA in the early 80's, we didn't have t'internet back then. They showed the trailer and the whole thing just wowed 17 year old me but the part that intrigued me the most was the scene where Kyle Reese shotgun'd Arnie through the window of Tech Noir then Arnie/Terminator sits up. I was sold. This was in 1984 but due to film's being on actual film in those days, it took till early 1985 for it to hit UK cinema's. I went twice in the first week, I bought the Video Cassette for £56.75 later in the summer of 85 from my local video rental shop and I've watched it, on various formats, at least once every year since then.

One bit I love, that seems to be missed by most, is
Kyle Reese says to Sarah "John Connor gave me a picture of you once. I didn't know why at the time. It was very old - torn, faded. You were young like you are now. You seemed just a little sad. I used to always wonder what you were thinking at that moment......" and at the end of the film when the photo is taken, she's thinking of him.
Malignant 6/10

My god this was ridiculous. Flip flopped between kind of interesting to so bad it's funny? I think the whole concept is one of the most dumb I've ever seen for a horror film but Wan almost makes it work.
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