What film did you watch last night?

At the end of the day, some movies do age and they can age horribly.

Look at American Pie. Made $350 million at the worldwide box office in 1999. I was 17 and at college when I saw that, and it had lots of laughs and I was well up for seeing naked Shannon Elizabeth as a horny 17 year old.
Yeah, I rewatched those films last year and it's a bit "this would get reported to the police" watching it nowadays.
The thing is a lot of times the "hasn't aged well" line is synonymous with "should be cancelled and forgotten about".

The irony being there still is a huge amount of violence and wanton killing in modern films, so there is a selection bias there.

I'm in the camp that anything goes in film. It's not the responsibility of the film to say what is right or wrong - it's to portray characters who may do right or wrong things - and that's in the eye of the beholder. Tarantino has said that for years including his "shutting your butt down" interview.

I went to see Apocalypse Now at the cinema last year, before the film someone introduced the film and gave a warning that it's morals were not up to modern standards but it's still a good film and to enjoy it.

I thought it was a tragedy that they had to say that to grown up adults.
I think warnings should definitely be included for films that have things that might trigger responses in people that have gone through certain traumas. You never know what someone has experienced.

I'm not sure I'm of the opinion 'anything goes'. Should a film exist that just glorifies and celebrates rape? Probably not. It's a tough line to find and not everyone will agree.
At the end of the day, some movies do age and they can age horribly.

Look at American Pie. Made $350 million at the worldwide box office in 1999. I was 17 and at college when I saw that, and it had lots of laughs and I was well up for seeing naked Shannon Elizabeth as a horny 17 year old.

Watch it now - Jim illegally livestreams her masturbating without her knowledge/consent. That's a felony. He suffers no consequences for this and her character gets deported.

Laugh riot now isn't it...

As for Leon that's actually a perfect example of movies that don't age well. For me it's a movie I absolutely used to love as a teenager. I first saw that film around 1996, before my 14th birthday. I was blown away and watched that so many times growing up. It was my favourite film for a few years.

I think I watched the extended 4k edition during the pandemic with my wife and what I used to think was cool as ****, didn't hold up anymore. The performances are fine, but it does get a bit icky.

It'll happen to many people's favourite movies and it's not because of "woke". Time changes us all.

Yeah, I rewatched those films last year and it's a bit "this would get reported to the police" watching it nowadays.

I haven't watched Leon in years, but all I'm saying is, she comes onto him which he rejects, she does that because she falls for her protector/had a messed up childhood etc etc, which is wrong but plays on the whole 'falling for your saviour/hero' theme in film (that's obviously meant to be done when both are around the same legal and above ages - I get that) but my point was more the fact Leon never once goes with it.
He just becomes her new guardian and by the end aside from the hitman training aspect, he's like a dad, as she gets him to let his guard down, and that bit I really think was done well, as they do end up proper caring for each other, just like Ellie and Joel in TLOU, and when what happens at the end of Leon happens, it means something to her and hurts.

That was more my point, if it had been some messed up thing where they got together with that age gap then sure that's MAJORLY wrong. But they didn't and he does still become a father figure/her protector. Which I liked. As she makes him as I say let his guard down and feel like he is human again and not just savage contract killer. Which I think is the point of it no?

As for American Pie, it was still ilegal back then to photograph/film someone naked what'd you mean? It always has been without consent?

I watched them all a year ago and didn't feel that, it is just what horny kids did in that era, now everything is all forcefully policed etc etc and we're told off for finding people attractive and it's getting ridiculous, and women are now 'empowered' and selling themselves on OF etc and being soft pronstars and it's all "well done babes power" etc, yet we were raised to respect women and not as purely an object and they were raised to never sell their body and to despise even a stripper... So which era is correct, there's no straight cut answer...

I don't think 'in the Pie era any girl would have in reality been 'offended' in the modern woke nonsense way, if you got caught perving they'd know it's cause you fancied them, not cause you're some weirdo stalker who's going to follow them home and murder them/put it all on the dark web, you'd of got the micky taken out of you at school and EVERYONE would have found out, but it'd be in that innocence jokey sense, and they'd be more interested in ripping the P out of you in a humourous "haha you fancy her" kind of way, not a "he's a creep/phone the police"... That's the difference now...

As for reporting it to the police, I don't buy that, not in a world where they're happy to show themselves either naked just covering up so not banned on socials, or where many of them will send you pics if you ask for free or for money all to gain 'clout' on social media to build 'an empire' then to use to do private snapchat/OF 'content'... It's mad how many people do it of all ages, the scarier factor is those who do it and their partners/family don't even know.

It's crazy to think we were raised with to respect women not as a 1 track mind object/never sell your body/despite strippers etc etc, now women have a pole in their house and practice for 'exercise'... So christ knows what we are to think, I certainly do not suddenly change my opinions based on forced woke propaganda though. Normal morals like we were raised with have done our older generations fine up till this point, vs listening to "I'm offended by everything look at poor me" attention seekers 99% time doing it again for cloud to be filmed and published online...
I think warnings should definitely be included for films that have things that might trigger responses in people that have gone through certain traumas. You never know what someone has experienced.

I'm not sure I'm of the opinion 'anything goes'. Should a film exist that just glorifies and celebrates rape? Probably not. It's a tough line to find and not everyone will agree.
They do, it usually says on the back the themes, or used to, as does the warning when it's on tv, the presenter will say the following contains scenes of violence and of a sexual nature, and some scenes some viewers may find distressing, etc etc...

Plus everyone looks things up before watching them.

We live in a world now where no one has common sense and has to be told to look before crossing a road/not to fall off a ladder, it's getting pathetic with this sue everyone at any chance culture.

You definitely still get a synopsis on the back of a film, so common sense will give you an idea the 'risk factor' of what's going to be in it based on the subject matter/theme.
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The thing is a lot of times the "hasn't aged well" line is synonymous with "should be cancelled and forgotten about".

The irony being there still is a huge amount of violence and wanton killing in modern films, so there is a selection bias there.

I'm in the camp that anything goes in film. It's not the responsibility of the film to say what is right or wrong - it's to portray characters who may do right or wrong things - and that's in the eye of the beholder. Tarantino has said that for years including his "shutting your butt down" interview.

I went to see Apocalypse Now at the cinema last year, before the film someone introduced the film and gave a warning that it's morals were not up to modern standards but it's still a good film and to enjoy it.

I thought it was a tragedy that they had to say that to grown up adults.
Exactly, no one's forcing you to watch it. Everything now is attention seeking poor me/make this about me nonsense, and 99.9% of it is to stage a reaction to attract 'followers' for 'clout' and usually to underhandedly make money out of it/sue someone...

Imagine I Spit On Your Grave coming out now...
The thing is a lot of times the "hasn't aged well" line is synonymous with "should be cancelled and forgotten about".

The irony being there still is a huge amount of violence and wanton killing in modern films, so there is a selection bias there.

I'm in the camp that anything goes in film. It's not the responsibility of the film to say what is right or wrong - it's to portray characters who may do right or wrong things - and that's in the eye of the beholder. Tarantino has said that for years including his "shutting your butt down" interview.

I went to see Apocalypse Now at the cinema last year, before the film someone introduced the film and gave a warning that it's morals were not up to modern standards but it's still a good film and to enjoy it.

I thought it was a tragedy that they had to say that to grown up adults.
Even Breakfast at Tiffany's has a warning now. Due to the Aisian character obviously played by a white man. That kind of thing is definitely wrong though. Same with Short Circuit having an Indian male played by a white American actor.

I'm all for anything goes but somethings really shouldn't have been done even back then.
Quite depressing really, as a lot of posts are now about old movies that people are rewatching due to hardly anything good being made recently, I think I've been to the cinema once this year to see Guardians 3.
If I put a movie on at home it's usually a rewatch of an old favourite with my son who wasn't alive when they were made, hope it picks up again as I used to go multiple times a year to watch something.
The first is THE best christmas movie ever, well tied with Lethal Weapon. FACT.

Watched Predator 2, although I hate the whole voodoo magic gang stuff, it's tolerable, but I love how this is basically the Lethal Weapon cast in another role, and love Danny Glover, and feel although this shouldn't work, it did (for it's time), I like the mutal respect ending confrontation too. Maybe a 6/10 but it works well enough if you wanted to double team after the original. WAY better than any AVP or Predator cash in sequels.

Shame though with AVP/Predator sequels, that they didn't just put the effort in, as it could genuinely work, I'd rather they either didn't bother at all or did it faithfully, reminds me of the Freddy VS Jason BS, you think hang on, IF you're gonna do a modern day Freddy or Jason film, with modern CGI/effects, it COULD be terrifying, instead just a typical fit girl running over teen slasher BS cash in fest, such a shame. Even H20 Halloween was good, we ignore that silly 8th one and the final 1 they released last Halloween.

Oh and @sigma if you haven't finished the rest of DOT now, I'm officially kicking you in the dick m9. NO excuses, half ass watching 40mins at a time like a blouse!

Now to doubleteam Prometheus and Alien Covenant - why it wasn't just called Prometheus 2 when everyone including me literally predicting this without watching it, I'll never know!
Ridley thought he was being sly again like Prometheus when we all know the minute we saw the supreme being/ship in Prometheus it was THE prequel to Alien.
ITV have taken it off ITVX :( :cry::( I'll find somewhere else to watch it :o I was probably the last person to watch it on the service!
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