What film did you watch last night?

Planes Trains and Automobiles, still brilliant. John Candy (RIP) and Steve Martin in his prime.
Parenthood was also amazing for it's time. And still brilliant even now!

Has anyone watched "The Killers Of The Flower Moon" yet? Clucking to watch this! Scorsese/DeCap/DeNiro etc etc, I mean it can't be anything other than amazing.

Did anyone ever watch this btw haha ;) WAIT for it (it's worth it)
I personally wouldn't call Sixth Sense a horror.

Watched The Departed last night 8.5/10 Great film! Never seen the film it's based on.
TSS is wicked for a single viewing.

In regards to The Departed... You mean you've never read the book? Otherwise that sentence doesn't make sense? :D

Awesome though isn't it! Love the way they basically look/dress the same in that early on scene to add to the tension/confusion when chasing each other/being monitored on the CCTV, what an ending too! Mark Walhberg is a savage in this!
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Barbie (rented from YouTube)

I loved it. It's clever, funny, completely commits to the utter absurdity of its premise, and trusts in the intelligence of its audience. Really good satire is so rare, and this just nails it from start to finish. More than once we had to stop and rewind because we were laughing so much from one joke that we missed the next. One wonders how, on Earth, they got Mattel to sign off on this? And, no doubt, it'll spawn a rash of bad movies made by people who have completely failed to grasp what made this one good.

A rare satirical masterpiece 10/10
I was put off but constantly hearing that it just lures you into false security then turns into a woke/feminazi piece in the 2nd half/last quarter?

I really wanna watch it just cause I love Gosling, especially in silly stuff... And Margot always is awesome in anything she does, and owns her characters.

So is this just the internet talking nonsense again or?
@keef247 I'd say it was feminist from start to finish.
Ah damn, as in the trailer I like the idea of her going mad etc and loosing the plot, but I don't like the idea of committing to something then the last bit ruining it/thus wasting my time? If you see what I mean?

So atleast if from the start it's clear it's not for me, then I just wouldn't watch that and would respect it.

On another note, have you ever seen "Promising Young Woman" Carey Mulligan is a BEAST in that, awesome film. I won't spoil anything, but if you fancy something clever/dark/funny yet savage and rightly so based on why it is, watch that.
Everything about it is outstanding.
@keef247 if you are sensitive enough that feminist themes are enough to spoil a film for you entirely, then don’t watch it.

Otherwise, you’ll be fine, I’m sure. The film mocks women, men and the dynamic between all of them (including how women interact with other women and how men interact with other men). There is plenty to laugh at, so long as you can laugh at yourself.
@keef247 if you are sensitive enough that feminist themes are enough to spoil a film for you entirely, then don’t watch it.

Otherwise, you’ll be fine, I’m sure. The film mocks women, men and the dynamic between all of them (including how women interact with other women and how men interact with other men). There is plenty to laugh at, so long as you can laugh at yourself.
Yeah I'm totally fine if it's that, I'd just heard the opposite, that it ends up being a man hating source of all evil type affair, and the first half lures you in to catch you out then messes with you.

I just hate stuff like that stupid all female Ghost Busters film for example, I'm sure I don't even need to explain that one.

But yeah, have you seen Promising Young Woman? That is amazing, I'm all for films like that, was written by a woman, and Margot Robbie amongst others produced it. Definitely watch that if you fancy something different that's savage, Carey Mulligan smashes it in that, trust me.
Yeah I'm totally fine if it's that, I'd just heard the opposite, that it ends up being a man hating source of all evil type affair, and the first half lures you in to catch you out then messes with you.

I just hate stuff like that stupid all female Ghost Busters film for example, I'm sure I don't even need to explain that one.

But yeah, have you seen Promising Young Woman? That is amazing, I'm all for films like that, was written by a woman, and Margot Robbie amongst others produced it. Definitely watch that if you fancy something different that's savage, Carey Mulligan smashes it in that, trust me.

No, it’s really not ‘man hating’. Anyone that thinks that would have a very narrow sense of perception, IMO. For example, even though there is certainly a heavier emphasis on the impact of the patriarchy on women in the latter part of the film (which is fine - it’s allowed to say its piece), it should be obvious to most people that the messaging is also sympathetic to men who also struggle to find their way.

With that said, for context I should add that I had absolutely zero issues with the ‘all female Ghostbusters’. I know that some people took issue with the male secretary, but I thought that was just a riff on the very commonplace age old ‘trope’ of sexy / dumb ‘blonde female’ secretaries. My jimmies were thoroughly unrusselled by such lighthearted bantz. Overall though the film was nothing special - fun but not demanding of a rewatch.

So as with all things, your mileage may vary!

I haven’t seen PYW - will add it to the watch list, ta :)
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