John Q (2002)
Went in blind again on this one and it's a bit of a mess.
You see the credits at the beginning and you've got Denzel Washington, James Woods, Robert Duval, Anne Heche and Ray Liotta. So you think you're in safe hands, even if it was just Denzel's name in the credits.
It starts off ok, John is a factory worker with a reduced hours at his job and load of debt. His son then falls ill and needs a heart transplant that John's insurance won't cover.
So you think you're in for a heart string pulling film that's critical of the health care system in the USA.
Then it takes a completely ridiculous turn and becomes more like The Negotiator. Then the film just keeps ramping up the ridiculous, while throwing in some phoned in performances from Duval and Liotta.
Tonally it's all over the place. One minute it's a weepy, then it's an action film, then it's political and there's even some misplaced comedy elements.
Even though Denzel is pretty consistent throughout, I still think it was a film he shouldn't have done. As the script asks the character he plays to do and say some pretty ridiculous things within parameters of what the film's main subject matters is.
On the plus side, my wife thought it was ok and apparently I just over analyse everything.
My score 3/10
My wife's score 7/10 (she's wrong