What film did you watch last night?

Tron 3D

Saw it tonight actually, was really cool even if the midsection dragged a bit, the sfx made up for it and the sound quality was awesome, this is one of the reasons I look forward to the cinema, the sound :p

We managed to sit in the VIP seats which were double the comfort and in nice leather even though we paid for the normal ones, the awesome thing about arriving late lol and acting as if you bought VIP anyway.

I'd give it 7/10 as a whole.
My 11 year old was discusted with it, he loves the cartoon. To be honest I thought it was major junk, by far the worst film I've seen this year.

Watched the movie last night, never seen the cartoons.

Enjoyed it visually, and the general idea, even if the acting was a bit iffy.

Will happily watch the sequel(s?).
Watched on BBC4 a French film starring Sophie Marceau called Female Agents.
For a French film the plot was rather good, acting was realistic and it had a cruel, dramtic feel to it.
One flew over the cuckoo's nest. 9/10.

One of only three films to win the big 5 at the Oscars - best picture, best director, best screenplay, best actor and best actress. There's another film from the 30s that managed it, and - somewhat surprisingly - The Silence Of The Lambs.
The Lookout
Very good for a relativity unknown film, i can see Joseph Gordon-Levitt becoming very big in the future, even if his part in Inception was a little off.
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