What film did you watch last night?

Im with you on this. i thought it was a tragically bad film. No one agrees with me though.

Wow, I'm really surprised you could come to that conclusion. One of the best British films of the last few years, achieved with a very low budget as well.
127 7.5/10 Great film, you really do get caught up in the situation. I took my girlfriend to see this and she didn't know what it was about lol.
Last night I saw The King's Speech.


I highly recommend you all go out and see this film as soon as you can, wonderful cast, flawless acting, emotive story, and incredibly interesting. I'm seriously considering going to see it again tonight.

Other films I've seen recently that I'd recommend: Black Swan, True Grit - Black Swan in particular is a goddamn masterpiece.
Last night I saw The King's Speech.


I highly recommend you all go out and see this film as soon as you can, wonderful cast, flawless acting, emotive story, and incredibly interesting. I'm seriously considering going to see it again tonight.

Other films I've seen recently that I'd recommend: Black Swan, True Grit - Black Swan in particular is a goddamn masterpiece.


Watched The Social Network today. It's a decent movie but nothing like the hype suggests for me.

And it doesn't surprise me that Facebook was created (give or take the 'truth' of the movie) by a bunch of *****.

I'll be shocked if it wins any awards because it really did nothing to live up to the hype.
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I seem to be catching up on all my documentaries today:

An Inconvenient Truth

Finally got round to watching this and find there's probably a bit too much gloss for my liking. The messages are solid enough but I just hate when they start substituting actual material for sentimental messages. 7/10

Capitalism: A Love Story

Michael Moore's latest and rather one sided view on capitalism and frankly I don't know if it's just me but he's getting tiring now with his film making techniques of trying to capture as many tears as possible on video. His solutions for remaining competitive on a global scale without the current system appear to be somewhat simplistic and not viable. 5.5/10

The Corporation

This appears to be a more level headed argument regarding the corporate world and considers business sustainability from all 3 aspects: social, environment and profitability/competitiveness. It doesn't offer any miracle cures and sees it as a long process will take many decades to level out the pros and cons of the system. 8/10
Watched my Criterion blu-ray of Thin Red Line for the first time tonight. And except for Toy Story 3 it is the best looking blu-ray picture I've seen (And that includes Avatar). Great movie as well one of my favourties. So glad it looks and sounds so good. 10/10
The Book of Eli, a film on post apocalyptic world which at times reminded me of Mad Max films.
A few twists in the film, though a good performance by Mr D Wasington.
I would a film I am glad I waited to see on DVD.
Terminator - found it on iplayer (still there until Saturday night). To be honest parts look dated but then it is 26 years old. Overall a fantastic film, really want to watch T2 now. 5/5
The Kings Speech

Very good film. Colin Firth was great in it. Geoffrey Rush was very good as well though I do think Christian Bale rightly deserved best supporting actor.

8/10 - For me, not as good as Black Swan.
I'm currently working my way through the Lord of the Rings trilogy on Blu Ray

Yesterday was The Fellowship of the Ring today the Two Towers. Both great films 9/10

Will watch The Return of the King tomorrow :cool:
A Single Man - very good. Lots of tension; well drawn out without being tedious. Colin Firth was excellent as the man being overwhelmed by it all. Well shot, good use of colour and slow motion to accentuate things. Quite erotic, even when it was purely homogay.

The Shining - I'm not really one for horror films, so maybe this was wasted on me. It felt like it was lacking in substance, like it blew its load too soon. I could have done with half an hour more tension before he lost the plot. The wife was a bit tiresome. The only bit that really succeeded in scaring me was the content of his novel, and that only because it was plausible - everything else was too much of a ghost story, and I don't believe in ghosts full stop, so it didn't scare me. That being said, it was very well shot and the sense of scale and isolation that it inspired was intimidating.
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