What film did you watch last night?

Unstoppable 8/10 Really good film. Being a railway modeller any film with trains his a big hit with me and this was actually quite tense in places. Definately a purchase when it comes out on Bluray.

Skyline -1/10 Truly awful.
The Man Who Would Be King - Pretty decent with Connery and Caine. 7/10.

The Lives Of Others (Das Leben Der Anderen) - German film about the Stasi and its effects on both the watched and the watchers. 9/10.

Avatar in Bluray.

Despite what a lot of people say, I like this film, sure the story isn't all that original but the quality of the cinematography in this film is outstanding. This film really has to be seen in HD, it looks absolutely superb. The looks probably carry the film more than the story, but I still like it.
Watched Scott Pilgrim the other night, thought it was excellent. Very funny, great story, and managed to avoid all the typical "teenage romance" cliches. Definitely one to get on BD when it's a bit cheaper.
The Last Airbender - great story, great effects in the majority, shaolin mixed with normal action etc but the seriously wooden acting put me off somewhat. I hope they go like Harry Potter and get better acted as time goes on for the next films. 6/10
Alien Vs Hunter. Worst film I've seen in years. I was crying with laughter at times though so it was probably worth it for that alone
Last night - The Girl Who Played With Fire - Very good, same as the first. Well acted and scripted. The plot was a lot terser and more comprehensible than the book, so my wife tells me, but it maintained the mysteries fairly well and resolved them neatly. The "blonde *******" was suitably terrifying, and Lisbeth's endurance was commendable!

This afternoon - Beauty And The Beast - I got this with some Christmas money and we watched it with my little girl. It's spectacular. The animation is beautiful and the songs are really well done. Also pretty funny, even as a kids' film. The score won an Oscar, and rightly so. All that being said, we were watching the special edition, which I've not seen before, and I didn't think much of the extra 6 minutes for the "Human again" song. Oh yeah, and I cried all the way through because I'm a big girl!
Once Upon a Time in America - 4 hour epic about Jewish New York gangsters set from 1920's to 60's by Sergoi Leoni. Was spread over 2 DVDs! Massive film, very well made and good looking. I am not into gangster films at all but this had me hooked. Obvoiusly with 4 hours there is time to kill and some scenes are so well done and unhurried. De Niro was superb, subtle even. It was funny seeing him aged 30 odd playing a 60 year old, the makeup was pretty good in that he looked similar to how he does now. 4/5
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