What film did you watch last night?

last film i watched was kill bill on tv a few nights ago.

I watched the omen the remake... It was terrible. I nearly fell asleep a couple times during it!

i couldn't watch it. i'm not normally one to criticise acting at all. i'm not fussy and will happily sit through pretty much anything. but the guy in this has to be the worst actor i've ever seen. i didn't watch it for more than about 15 minutes.
The time traveler's wife....it was beautiful!!

Watched duplicity earlier on - good film but I do love clive owen so always going to be good!
Watched Mad Max 2 on Blu Ray last night.

Not seen it for 20 years or so, enjoyed the nostalgia! It looked surprisingly good too.
Watched "Drag Me To Hell".

It was.... ok. Average horror film, some nice touches, but the end let it down. Why do all American women in films now have to be strong, smartass bitches? For most of the film they held off on this but at the end it pushed through and very nearly ruined the whole thing. When will Hollywood realise that the reason Alien was so good was that the main character was **** scared the entire time, and that triggered our fear as well. It's like they have all forgotten how to make good horror films in the space of 15 years.
District 9 last night.

Appealed to me on soo many levels. Almost as if someone had asked me what I want from a film...and done it.
The Clone Wars animated film - Absolutely awful, final nail in the coffin of Star Wars.
Slumdog Millionaire - Really enjoyed it and thought it was thoroughly deserving of all the attention it received.
Watched the end of the Shining. Don't worry, I have seen the movie before so I wasn't spoiling it. Also saw about 30 mins of Alien before falling asleep
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake (2003)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Beginning (2006)

Watched those the last few days, original is best, followed by The Beginning, would reccomend them all though.
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