What film did you watch last night?

The Prestige. 5/10

Not as clever as Nolan clearly thought it was, and a good opportunity wasted. A reasonably good idea let down by near non-existent characterisation (for two people having a near-lethal feud, they seemed awful laid back about it), and poor casting of the two main characters. Why was Jackman used for a posh Englishman (it's not like there's a global shortage of posh English actors) when he spent large parts of the film speaking with an American accent? And Bale's "working class" accent made me want to punch him more than watching his films usually does. Johansson's character was wasted - the double betrayal was important but glossed over in two short scenes.

As a reader of his books, I was interested at the time the film came out that little was made of the fact that it was based on the book by Christopher Priest. Sure, it was in the credits, but the advanced publicity almost never mentioned the fact, and I don't remember ever seeing a tie-in re-issue of the novel. The film did make me want to read it though - it's one I missed.

I like the Prestige when I watched it, meh.

Watched The Fighter last night, thought it was good, Bale was suitably... weird... Did feel a bit pointless and predictable at times in the middle but I enjoyed it nonetheless, probably a 7 or an 8/10.
Last night I watched The Departed. I had heard about it when it was first released and wanted to see it back then, but for one reason or another I never got round to it.

It was a brilliant film packed to the rafters with Hollywood A listers (some admittedly with terrible accents). Of particular note was Jack Nicholson who played a grade nutjob as only he and Anthony Hopkins could. The plot and more twists and turns than a than a bobsled run. You thought you knew what was going to happen next but usually you were wrong.

I would give this film 9/10
Id highly reccomend watching infernal affairs, the hong kong original on which the departed is based. I found it to be much better, but saying that the departed is a very good remake of it.
Ironclad. Complete and utter rubbish. One of the worst I've seen this year.

If you wonder why there's no marketing push or hype surrounding this film...I now know why.

Boring story, stereotyped characters, too long (2 hours - lots of unnecessary padding), poor dialogue, lots of 'WFT' moments that just didn't make any sense.

Also: bad editing and disgusting overuse of the shaky-cam effect during fight sequences. Was like Transformers 2: no idea who was who.

This could easily have been a straight-to-TV film. Even then you've seen this sort of thing so many times before.


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Unstoppable - 6/10

Enjoyable, typically Denzel formulae... Read up on the true story behind it and was dissatisfied that my suspicions were correct in that the story was bigged up by hollywood. Worth a watch if you're bored.
Gimme Shelter - Documentary of the Rolling Stones altamont concert. Really enjoyed it 8/10

Long Kiss Goodnight - Got the Blu of this on Saturday. Very enjoyable movie 8/10
Maybe not a movie as per say but its got movie like production.

Gundam UC (Unicorn) Vol 3, keeps getting better and better even if the writing was a little messy in places and it was a little tragic in this one.
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Just watched Salt

Bit of an odd one this, straight away I told the g/f that the guy that played Sabretooth would end up being the bad guy, then half way through I was genuinely convinced that Jolie was what she was being accused of until it then all fell into place and I was right to begin with

Just not sure that female lead characters in this type of film works though so 6/10

Surprised to read that there aren't any out and out plans for a sequel considering how it ends :confused:
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