What film did you watch last night?

Hot Tub Time Machine.

A surprisingly good film, very funny with a pretty good story as well, pleasantly surprised. :)

I spit on your grave

did'nt read up much on this film before i rented it , it was a bit disturbing and some very stomach churning moments.
Will not be watching again. Some people may like this type of film but it was'nt for me , so i will give it a fairly low score.

Watched Kick-Ass for the first time yesterday. Loved the film! Felt it became a little too much about Hit-Girl towards the end, but who cares, it was ace.

Legion on sky premiere.

What a load of rubbish. Even for a twisted film, it was just poor all over.
2/10 - there was some mild entertainment, but unsatisfying.
Watched the Kings speech which i thought was tremendous and well deserving of its Oscars and Bafta awards...thought Firth did a sublime job as Bertie, the king who had the speech impediment...also thought Geoffrey Rush was absolutely brilliant with his weird and wonderful ways of trying to correct the kings speech impediment.

Excellent movie, one of the best ive seen in a long time 10/10 for me.

Also watched Husk...a horror flick which wasnt too bad tbh...pretty decent i thought...5/10
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