What film did you watch last night?

Star Wars: Episode 1
My little girl (6 years old) wanted to watch it! what a nice feeling that was, my kid wanting to watch a Star Wars movie with me! ok, not the "best" Star Wars movie but at least the 1st, she watched the whole thing too and only lost interest in a couple of places, asked some great questions whilst watching it too, "Daddy, whats the force?" and "whats the dark side, Daddy?"
A good memory with me forever.

5/10 at a push. It just didn't really go anywhere. I didn't like the fact that it started out as a big srs sci-fi film and then halfway through some dude from Event Horizon rocks up and screws everything up. They could have easily pulled off the same story without some absurd supernatural character.
Coraline, in 3D. Took a while for my eyes to adjust which was quite distracting, but I thoroughly enjoyed this. Clever story and fantastic stop-motion.

Must admit to finding the whole 3D thing a bit gimmicky at the moment though.
I watched a few flicks yesterday and the day before that:

2012: Enjoyed the film ( I liked some of the CGI) but got annoyed near the end at ''the heroes'' I hate endings like that... 6/10
American Pie Book of Love: Loved it. Laughed a lot. 7.5-8/10
Extract: Enjoyable comedy and Mila Kunis, mmmmmmm ( fapfapfap), 7/10
Million Dollar Baby: Very good Film, good acting, very enjoyable to watch, 9/10
Batman Begins

Finally watched Batman Begins for the first time on ITV last night.

I found it slightly slow in places, the last thing I expected from a Batman movie.

However what I did enjoy was the fact that it had a darker and more 'realistic' (although not always of coruse) feel to it compared to many superhero movies. Christian Bale portrayed Bruce Wayne very well imo. Enjoyed Liam Neeson as ever.

Cillian Murphy worked well as the Scarecrow. A very convincing nutter.

Watched "Death Race" with Jason Statham the other night - always avoided it because I usually cant stand remakes of old films, but I quite enjoyed it to be honest! :)


Mum enjoyed it, that's what's important. She'd been looking forward to it all week.

Was the worst film i think i have ever seen.

Bless her.
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