What film did you watch last night?

12 Jan 2010

Wow! A film that combines action and heart with a big dollop of gorgeous presentation. Apart from a slightly slow 2nd act, the pacing was brilliant and those 2 hours went by quite quickly. Even more impressive is that it wasn't previously a novel or comic that was cashed in on and adapted to. Jeff Daniels and Emily Blunt were both brilliant supporting actors too.

So far, my favourite film of year. I'm sure it won't be long before director Rian Johnson is approached to take the helm of a big budget comic book film (perhaps Robin). 9/10
4 Nov 2004

Wow! A film that combines action and heart with a big dollop of gorgeous presentation. Apart from a slightly slow 2nd act, the pacing was brilliant and those 2 hours went by quite quickly. Even more impressive is that it wasn't previously a novel or comic that was cashed in on and adapted to. Jeff Daniels and Emily Blunt were both brilliant supporting actors too.

So far, my favourite film of year. I'm sure it won't be long before director Rian Johnson is approached to take the helm of a big budget comic book film (perhaps Robin). 9/10

Pretty much agree with you on this, thought it was pretty damn good.

But for me the pacing of the last act and ending would knock another point off. Still 8/10 easily!

I wish Emily Blunt would call me for a booty call, she really is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen :(:D:D
18 Oct 2002
Some peoples yard sticks are a bit funny, especially a film then barely enjoyed getting a 5, and a slightly above average film getting an 8. Not that it matters as each to their own etc, just makes me laugh.

For instance I watched.
Arrival. (old film but always sticks in my mind as a slightly underrated sci fi flick).
However it's still only gets a 5.5/10
12 Jan 2010
I wish Emily Blunt would call me for a booty call, she really is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen :(:D:D

I never really saw her as an action woman. Always saw her as period drama, prim and proper English woman, so I was proven wrong on that one. She can squeeze my frog any day.
18 Oct 2002
Expendables 2....... 1/10

completely terrible, and gets a lower mark that other terrible films due to budget, and because other people gave it way to high a score.

Action, woeful..... 3 people stand in a room facing 30 people, both sides fire their guns, the 30 people are down, a split second later 3 people move forwards 5 yards, and a new 30 people are back, it happens again.

This isn't action, I take exception with anyone who says "its like the action films of the 80's/90's", no its ruddy not, its like a really bad b-movie with TERRIBLE action, terrible acting, terrible story and randomly putting in everyones catchphrase in inappropriate and unfunny moments. There is nothing redeeming about it, terrible cgi, ridiculously boring fights and lets be honest, Chuck Noris sounds a bit gay.

Bruce Willis, a trained cop, caught in a hostage situation against what 10 guys, who never fights more than 2 at a time really, if he does, he RUNS, and gets his ass kicked, and actually gets hurt. Its believable, the action was believable, the bad guys knew how to shoot guns, and he didn't magically kill everyone with every shot. The acting was infinitely better, Die hard is a quality action film from that era, Expendables 1 and 2 resembles the worst action movies that Dolph has been doing for the past 20 years.

Oh, and jesus h christ, Stallone, holding a gun like a retard in every scene, randomly crossing his hands when shooting two guns, using a gun as if he was using a 300 year old gun in the old west, and a trained crew constantly banging on about being out of ammo, half a second into every fight, the only thing more embarrassing than all of that, is using a tragic "real world" war story to try and endear a particular character to the american movie watcher, using what is common in america stories of soldiers dying to tug on the heartstrings of the american public just comes across as disgustingly manipulative.
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17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Drunkenmaster, you've just described pretty much what i disliked about the original expendibles :p
Even my dad, who will quite happily watch a Syfi movie of the week turned to me after the first one and said "that was bad".

We watched Promethious (got the blu today), which I actually enjoyed more at home than at the cinema, I was picking up on more details.
Whilst it has it's problems, and several things that didn't add up quite right (although some of them can be explained by the fact that even in RL, sometimes very smart people lack common sense) it was very enjoyable.

I'd guess 7/10

I'm looking forward to watching the extras now :)

I've also been watching some of the James Bond films from the new set.

Dr. No. 6.5/10
It's the first Bond film and whilst it's good enough, and enjoyable it's still showing that it's an early one, without some of the bits you come to expect from the later ones.
However as I say it's still enjoyable, and the version in the set looks great, you'd not really guess the film is 50 years old now from the PQ.

From Russia with Love 7/10
The second bond film, with a bit more action and a slightly better storyline.

I'm probably going to watch the next bond film tomorrow.
28 Dec 2009
I watch it over the weekend as well and I thought it had potential but when it showed that there was so many of them and they looked like normal people that was stupid. Seemed like they ran out of special fx money so just made up the story about the hospital. It would have been a lot better if the cannibal was something like the monsters from descent.
1 Sep 2007
Most horrific film for me would have to go to A Serbian Film, I actually found the way Martyrs was done quite interesting, as you said, draws you in and then exposes you to a lot of different things. It also doesn't give you a clear resolution at the end, just leaving you to think about what you have just seen even more, something most people probably won't want to do after watching it.

seriously hoping work dont have a log of things ive clicked on after getting a content filter and reading the plot on my phone. w-t-f
23 Oct 2002
seriously hoping work dont have a log of things ive clicked on after getting a content filter and reading the plot on my phone. w-t-f

they are crap anyway ;)

i remember getting called up to see the IT Director many years ago as he says i had searched for a rude word. i told him i was after an address in Scunthorpe. im sure you can see the dodgy word in there ;)
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