Watch this oneNarrow Margin (1990)
Gene Hackman spends most of the films runtime on a train protecting a witness (Anne Archer) from the Mafia bad guys trying to kill them and stop her testifying against their boss.
For me the film is bookended by two impressive stunt sequences that can't mask the dull, (a lots of time walking up and down train carriages) but ludicrous and predictable events that happen while they are all on the train.
There's so much time spent going up and down the train, for no reason, that it's almost like they only had a hours worth of film script and had to drag it out to 90 minutes.
The Road (2009)
My wife picked this one, even though we've seen it before, she said she couldn't remember it.
Unfortunately I could remember it and it's still just as grim as the first time I watched it.
Certainly not one to watch if you need cheering up, but a well made and well acted film either way.
This film was probably one of the most depressing films I've ever watched, or maybe *the* most depressing one.
I've read the book, that was enough to let me know I wont be watching the film, brilliant read but so grim.....This film was probably one of the most depressing films I've ever watched, or maybe *the* most depressing one.