What film did you watch last night?

31 Mar 2009
Basingstoke, UK
John Carter - Didn't realise it was a Flash Gordon remake, but not as bad as made out, was watchable - 7/10

Lockout - Guy Pearce as an action hero doesn't work, but it was still a fun film and reminded me very much of the Escape from New York/LA films - also 7/10
30 Sep 2009
love that movie. seemed to slip under a lot of people's radar.

as a big spacey fan, have you seen k-pax? thats awesome too

yeh k-pax is good and due another shot

the reason i didn't score pay it a higher score was because of jon bon jovi's character not being explained, carried through enough and the ending feeling too ... i dunno, straight forward and obvious i guess.
18 Oct 2002
NW London
I haven't seen the Twilight films, so I can't comment on that, but until a friend told me otherwise, I genuinely thought the hunger games had been written by children.

I haven't seen the Twilight movies, but I though Hunger Games was entertaining. Nothing great, but it would hold my attention had this come on the telly, with no marketing. 7/10

Lockout was ordinary. Nothing special. At no stage did I care what happened to any of the characters. 5/10.

Moonrise Kingdom.
This is a highly reviewed movie, with good scores.
I thought this was a terrible movie.
When I watch a movie, I want to be entertained.
If a movie is top-notch, after I have watched it, I want to feel that I have been on a journey. Emotionally, I feel drained after a fantastic movie.
If this movie had been made as a movie making assignment, I would give it 10/10, as the dialogue is snappy, acting top notch and camera work was very arty. I cannot deduct a single mark in this area.
HOWEVER, as a movie to entertain, I was always expecting something of significance to happen. But it never did. At no stage did I feel anything for the main characters. In fact, most of the time I hoped that the 2 main kids would die, giving rise to a completely new (more interesting) storyline. I just saw an episode of Home & Away and that 25 minute episode was more interesting than any part of this movie.
The part where they have 2 kids kissing and touching a breast, was of no interest to me.
2/10 (for the excellent camera work and script)
31 May 2009
Snow white and the huntsman

Film looks good
Story reasonable, some parts excellent, some dire
Then some acting bits great, and again some terrible

Why can Kirsten Stewart not portray any emotions, it truely is odd she is the focus of everyones hope and beauty. I just do not get it at all.
16 Mar 2006
The Grapes Of Wrath - Truly depressing story of a poor Oklahoman farmers heading to California to find work in the Great Depression due to the Dust Bowl. Made me do some reading and it is amazing how sort of similar it is to today's economic woes. Even though the film was grim it was very well made and acted. 4/5
18 Feb 2007
Not last night but.

Cabin in the woods 3/10

Underworld Awakening 5/10

Cabin in the woods was complete rubbish ,end of. Underworld Awakening was ok , not really kept up with the film series but it was ok for a bit of vampire action and Kate Beckinsale.

next for viewing is Lockout and Flowers of war which looks good.
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