What film did you watch last night?

7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru

This had so much potential! They had most of the cast correct apart from Storm and Cyclops! It was almost as if he was still in the boy scouts or something........ Didn't get any sort of feeling that he was suppose to be the team leader, well educated etc. Bad script, terrible plot and poor acting from most of them.

It started of well enough, but it just got worse and worse, action scenes were boring and crap, they constantly got their asses kicked, no team work whatsoever.

i thought that was the point of the film, it's a starting point for them where they can all grow from rather than all being a kick ass team who are unstoppable from the start?
23 Oct 2002
Because its an utter travesty of a book->film conversion.

Half the plot is missing, huge swathes of the plot are changed for no good reason, most of the characters have had personality transplants, and the underlying theme of the book is completely disregarded.

They took the book, pulled out the flashy parts that'd look good on screen and binned any semblance of plot and character development.

Not to mention it was terribly cast. ;)

Read the books, you'll see what I mean.

bah, i dont have time to read. i can watch loads of movies in the time it takes to read a book.

the mrs has the books and she enjoyed the movie.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Because its an utter travesty of a book->film conversion.

Half the plot is missing, huge swathes of the plot are changed for no good reason, most of the characters have had personality transplants, and the underlying theme of the book is completely disregarded.

They took the book, pulled out the flashy parts that'd look good on screen and binned any semblance of plot and character development.

Not to mention it was terribly cast. ;)

Read the books, you'll see what I mean.

It's not that bad. The main thing it skips over is life in the district, because it doesn't have the time for endless expository narrative. Personality wise, I thought she was a difficult one, because she's so sullen and disinterested in the book, but it's hard to convey that without it coming across as being badly acted.

Even then, the book itself isn't that great. The muttations that rock up at the end are borderline deus ex machina rubbish and just come completely out of nowhere. That being said, their killing of Cato in the book is great and really disturbing, although that didn't make it into the film, so you're damned either way.
18 Oct 2002
NW London
xmen disappointment

I quite enjoyed the XMen movies, though I am a huge fan.
I do understand what you say about Cyclops - he was a wimp in the movies, where comics/cartoons, he is "the man".

The problem here was that they wanted to make Wolverine the leader. Had Cyclops been the leader, then Wolverine would not have been so "alpha". 1 blast of his solar beam and Cyclops would've shut Wolverine up...but in the movies, we were never given an indication of what Cyclops was capable of. If he wanted to, Cyclops could probably kill every member of the X-Men, unintentionally, but this was never implied in the movies. It was as if they had removed his gonads.

If they do introduce Apocalypse, they would need to have a very powerful Cyclops, allied with Archangel (note: Angel, was also made to look like a wimp in the movie). To me it felt that all other characters were neutered, just to make Wolverine look more powerful.
4 Jun 2009
Yeah, as much as I love wolverine, they made him the centre of attention/main character in all 3 films, even Magneto got it right, "why must you always think everything has to do with you" :D :p

They would just need to bring together more x-men if they ever did have a film with Apocalypse i.e. a bit like they did with x-men 3, but have the proper Rogue with her flying and strength, Gambit etc. Probably also need to pair up with the likes of Magneto etc. They couldn't kill him let alone hurt him as he is invincible and has limitless power, so they would just have to do something like they did in the cartoon where they trapped him and used his own power against him.

IIRC was Cyclops solar beam blast not pretty useless against him like pretty much all of the x-men powers even Wolverine's adamantium claws?

The best they could do was just use blunt force to knock him over, throw him against walls etc.

Sinister and his group could work out pretty well on the big screen, although Cyclops solar beam blast pwned him every time :p

Speaking of which, is there going to be a sequel to x-men first class? Really enjoyed that and preferred it to the other 3 films.
27 Dec 2003
Killer Elite - 9/10

Statham and deniro are great as usual, didnt see how it was going to end.:cool:

Based on a true story from when Sir Ranulph Fiennes was in SAS
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Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
You have a different opinion sir?

I thought they did a fantastic job of showing a post apocalyptic world and the shots close up of his face with the dark sky in the background. The bit when he got shot and the lightning was awesome.

I do indeed. It's bad. Really bad. Terrible pacing. Terrible plot. Terrible twist.

4 Jun 2009

Pretty poor overall, couldn't stand the wee girl who looks like a boy, awful soundtrack, stupid scenes, but it was enjoyable enough :p

18 Jan 2004
Tangled is easily the best Disney movie in years. I'd have to go back to Beauty and the Beast to find one I like more. And yes, that means I like Tangled more than The Lion King.

Also, some of the animation in Tangled is spectacular. The scene when they're escaping from the Snuggly Duckling and they break the dam and have to escape from the water is absolutely amazing.

I hope i'm not less of a man for agreeing with you here but Tangled is also my favourite Disney film since Beauty and the Beast. I didn't rate the 'mother knows best' songs which is a shame as the rest of the film is ace.
11 Apr 2003
Hunger Games. Amazing.

Gonna read the books now!

The books are much better, they go into much more detail and certain scenes E.G Rue, are so much better due to them not being rushed for the film.

Having said that the film was still decent, and I am looking forward to the next one next year (With a new director) :)

I watched Moonrise Kingdom last, quite enjoyed it, and it was a much happier ending than Hatchi :p

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