What film did you watch last night?

16 Mar 2006
'Mary Dinkles's eyes were the colour of muddy puddles, her birthmark the colour of poo.'

I love that film.

That was a fine opening line. My favourite quote though was:-

Max Jerry Horovitz said:
Do you have a favourite-sounding word? My top-five are "ointment," "bumblebee," "Vladivostok," "banana," and "testicle."

There was something about Philip Seymour Hoffman's voice that was perfect.



20 Jan 2004
The Keep 7/10. An odd little 80's horror movie pitting Nazi's against an ancient evil entity, imprisoned in a Romanian fortress.

Not a bad movie as such, it was flawed in parts by iffy editing, wooden acting ( Scott Glenn ), & an inapropiate synth sound track courtesy of Tangerine Dream, buuuuuut despite that, it was "interesting".
15 May 2010
Out of Coventry
In preparation for snowboarding trip soon:

The Art of Flight: 7/10

Cinematography was mind blowing. Amazing images throughout. Though there wasn't really a story and they use too much slow motion.

If you love snow sports, then its a much watch.
12 Apr 2010
The Bourne Legacy. The Boring Legacy more like. 4/10 just for the lovely Miss Weisz.

I watched this last night also.

Didn't think it was as bad a ElliorR said, but still was no where near as a good as the previous Bourne films which was to be expected but I thought it was a decent enough action flick to keep your entertained with some funny bits included.

26 Jan 2005
Casino. 5/10. I really didn't enjoy it. I was constantly looking at the time on the blu-ray player. I think I've come to realise there's very few Scorcese films that I enjoy. :(

Ooooh, santa hat's are back :D
13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
Watched a few films recently:

Resident Evil: Retribution - which was full of CGI effects that wouldn't look out of place on a "straight to the scifi channel" type of film! Think I've seen all of the Resident Evil films up until now and they've left this open for another sequel! 1/10 (and that's being generous)

Cockneys vs Zombies - which was actually quite amusing with some fairly big names in it. Was good to see Alan Ford (Brick Top from Snatch) back on the ball with Honor Blackman as well. Also good to see Michelle Ryan still finding work after Eastenders and her failed attempt at a Bionic woman remake. I'd still recommend this film as an off the wall type of comedy and give it a 7/10 :)

Looper - which I was really disappointed with, even though it jumped about quite a bit through different time lines it was still fairly easy to follow it just never really seemed to get going. It's one of those films I'm really glad I missed at the cinema as I'd have felt ripped off if I'd payed to see it. 3/10

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World - which I really enjoyed, I know Kiera Knightly got slated for her performance in this and you know the ending already (going by the title) but I'd still recommend this as an enjoyable film to watch. 6/10

The Amazing Spiderman - which again I quite enjoyed. I think looking upon this as a switch off your brain and go with the flow and not comparing this to the Toby Maguire version means it isn't too bad and worth a watch. 6/10

Total Recall 2012 - This is one I was really surprised with and one I thoroughly enjoyed. I know Colin Farrell is an excellent actor from (In Bruges - which is a fantastic film) but coupled with the sexy Kate Beckinsale & Jessica Biel and with some stunning special effects made this a "one to watch for me" and definitely one I'd recommend. Again just try not to compare this to the 22 year old Arnie cheesefest and look upon it as a new film. 9/10 :)
18 Oct 2002
Watched Bourne Legacy the other night and, can't help but agree.

Ultimately it boiled down to, attempt to wipe out the program... get more drugs or the equivalent.

Other films would be, wipe them out, fail, he rescues bird, they replace drugs, they find a way to take out someone who stop them coming after them(someone higher up ordering it), or expose the program, etc. Its like half a film with the bourne legacy part to being basically Bourne 2, someone tracks them down and kills the bird and he goes into overdrive mode to burn the people who sent whoever kills her. Then he'll finally find evidence, expose the lot of them, and Landy's career is saved, blah blah blah.

THe needless trip over the mountains, the insanely boring build up, the painfully lengthy scene in her house, the painfully lengthy(we're in an airport doing entirely nothing), the stupidly long police chase. Trim those down to realistic length parts and you could fit "part 2" into one ruddy film and have something worthwhile.

It had a good cast, probably a rubbish budget just a trying to spend as little as possible to get people to spend money based on the previous films and make a bunch of money. Never understood that short term thinking, make a great film, it will make even more money, and then you've still got a franchise and can make another film and even more money again.
18 Oct 2002
NW London
It had a good cast, probably a rubbish budget just a trying to spend as little as possible .

This movie had an estimate budget of US$125M, which is huge, for non-CGI heavy movie.

With sequels for successful franchises, movie studios are much more likely to green light huge budgets (because the idea is already tried and tested). When there is an original idea, movie studios are a lot more careful as the idea is not tried/tested.

Lack of money was not the problem here and I'm sure if they needed more money, the movie studio would've released the funds. Lack of original ideas, execution and editing probably was the problem.
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