What film did you watch last night?

5 Dec 2006
I agree with what you are saying, he even has strict morality like not killing wife and children.

Yep exactly. You could even argue that his "word" is what gets him killed. His morality (word) of not harming women & children comes before the orders of Alejandro Sosa. He knew Sosa would come after him with everything he had, but Tony still stuck to his word/morals.

I think the character of Tony is a masterpiece and is one of my favourite characters of all time. Such a violent and ruthless individual, yet immensely trustworthy and righteous.
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22 Oct 2004
Dark Knight Rises 8/10 Not as good as the other two but still a descent watch.
Bane seemed really strong against batman first of all, then turns into a bit of wimp on the final showdown.
1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Been continuing my bond a thon with octopussy, and moonraker. Moonraker loses it a bit with the outerspace battle but redeems itself with my favourite bond line at the end.

M :- what is bond doing?
Q :- I think he's attempting reentry sir :D
25 Aug 2010
Dark Knight Rises 8/10 Not as good as the other two but still a descent watch.
Bane seemed really strong against batman first of all, then turns into a bit of wimp on the final showdown.

So would you if you were in complete agony, no matter how strong you WERE :rolleyes:

Dark Knight Rises - 8/10 - as good as the others but not better, the ending made up for most of the movie though

Resident Evil: Retribution - 6/10 - I love Mila, but this wasn't the best i think they focus to much on making shots for 3D rather than making a good film now still enjoyable as part of the series.

End of Watch - 8/10 - Pretty good and funny at parts the ending is a bit rubbish if i do say so myself.
4 Jun 2009
Resident evil retribution

Definitely the worst one out of them all! Awful plot and awful script, gun fight scenes were boring, some of the fight scenes were pretty good. Can't go wrong with some Milla Jovovich though :p :D The next one should be interesting.

25 Aug 2010
You actually need help dude, I agree Prometheus isn't great.. But you just gave resident evil retribution 6/10.. Really? :eek:

It's easily the worst film I've seen this year, Prometheus was much better as a movie.

I need help because i don't agree with your taste in movies?

Tell me what was so good about Prometheus as compared to resi?

At least resi was an enjoyable watch, even if it was the worst of the series so far.

Prometheus was a waste of time, apart from the last 3 minutes if that with all the hype it generated i didn't see anything that could account for it.
18 Oct 2009
Been continuing my bond a thon with octopussy, and moonraker. Moonraker loses it a bit with the outerspace battle but redeems itself with my favourite bond line at the end.

I also watched Moonraker. I quite like the majority of the film. The last half hour though is completely silly.
7 Feb 2010
I don't think Prometheus will be enjoyed by anyone other than fans of the series. It doesn't stand as a movie alone, but it doesn't need to either.

9/10 - especially the leap in 3D technology, a single tear of amazement may have fell down my cheek when he stood up on the planetary navigation deck. I also love the viral methods used to advertise the movie by contributing to the movie content without showing any content and revealing any spoilers. The level of art is truly breathtaking and you can tell there was a lot of time, passion and talent put into it.
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18 Oct 2002
I don't think Prometheus will be enjoyed by anyone other than fans of the series. It doesn't stand as a movie alone, but it doesn't need to either.

9/10 - especially the leap in 3D technology, a single tear of amazement may have fell down my cheek when he stood up on the planetary navigation deck. I also love the viral methods used to advertise the movie by contributing to the movie content without showing any content and revealing any spoilers. The level of art is truly breathtaking and you can tell there was a lot of time, passion and talent put into it.

This would be almost the exact opposite of everyone else. In terms of, its not been enjoyed by anyone who loved the series because it pretends to be part of the series and yet is completely a stand alone film. Take out the daft alien right at the end and basically one door with a picture of the alien from future films, and then it has smeg all to do with the series. People who loved the series expected a film that tied in with the series far more and it didn't.

Seeing the other films doesn't improve or add to this one at all, improve the story or make it better. You can't watch the second or third matrix, without any explanation and get whats going on, Prometheus is spectacularly not in need of having seen the other films. It IS stand alone and its just pap. As for leap in 3d tech, using it better isn't a leap in technology, and the idea that a completely crap film absolutely full of plot holes, stupidity, bad acting and just a crap story underneath it all is good because of a few bits of 3D is ridiculous.

Poor film, very very beautifully shot, as a series of still images, great artwork, as a film, story/art/acting its crap.
22 Jul 2004
Up north in Sunderland
I need help because i don't agree with your taste in movies?

Tell me what was so good about Prometheus as compared to resi?

At least resi was an enjoyable watch, even if it was the worst of the series so far.

Prometheus was a waste of time, apart from the last 3 minutes if that with all the hype it generated i didn't see anything that could account for it.

Resi was far from an enjoyable watch. The plot was **** they never reload ever. They just throw resi characters in for a laugh, They throw 3D **** at you all the time, The Lickers are about 5 times the size they should be. It was so disjointed even our lass got bored of it.

You just like to go against the grain it would seem.
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