What film did you watch last night?

13 May 2007
On the wagon, sorta
Die hard with a vengeance 7.5/10. Bruce puts in a solid performance and its always nice to watch a good old full on action flick.

The phantom menace, 6/10 for the most part its ok but i forgot how wooden the acting is! and we wont mention the saggy eared one!
24 Jul 2012
Sheffield UK
I liked ed nortons hulk.
watched snowwhite and the huntsman 7/10 enjoyable stewart was wooden as always.
ted 6/10 no really that funny, knew the end of the story before it happened and nothing really changed to warrent the ending being a happy ever after.
skyfall 8/10 although a good film let down by how obvious it was all going to turnout-certain people dying and people replacing, its so obvious from around a 3rd of the way in.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Silver Linings Playbook - 9/10

It really got me. I found it quite difficult to watch in some places, for personal reasons more than anything else, however I always knew Bradley Cooper had it in him to be a great actor and this film demonstrates that superbly.

Overall I sorta felt that the film didn't really tackle the issue of metal health, merely used it as a plot device to introduce us to a cast of broken characters but that, and what I felt was a lack of chemistry between Cooper and Lawrence, are small complaints about what is an otherwise excellent film. I think David O Russell might be one of my favourite directors now...
7 Jun 2010
Went on a bit of a bender last night, trying out some re-hashed remakes for a change (I usually avoid said abominations like the plague, but fancied a change lol)

Total Recall 2012

I know the first film wasn't all that but i enjoyed it enough to watch it lol

This remake isn't much different in terms of watching, it was tolerable, only downsides were a bad Kate Beckinsale. I'm glad she died at the end, but because it's Kate, I'm disappointed that she had to die :( not good.

The opening scenes lighting was utter utter painful gash!
In Star Trek it was acceptable, but in this film, it's like they decided to drag the damn slider all the way to max, I imagine epilepsy sufferers would be having a fit within 10 seconds of the film opening, really annoying.

Special effects were ok, a little understated i would say tbh

Overall 6/10 It's watchable, but nothing special

Next film;
The Bourne Legacy.

I always thought they were only going to be making the 3 films for this, so this 4th came as a bit of a surprise tbf

The film was actually pretty good, Not as action orientated as the first 3, which i think was actually quite good, one major beef i had with the first 3 films was the major camera shake and movement during the fights, which i found seriously annoying, trying to concentrate on everything moving so fast with a drunken camera -man is never an easy task lol

The acting was quite good too. I liked Edward Norton being brought in, and Rachel Weisz, ignoring her very very pale look (she doesn't normally look that pale tbh haha)

Overall 7/10

and the final film

The Amazing Spider-Man

This film and films of its ilk are the main reason i avoided remakes in the first place.

The acting isn't bad, but it could easily be so much better tbh

The story is gash. It's like they're trying to condense the first 2 films into 1, and changing main story events as they see fit, although all events that have been changed still carry a similar message to the original.

Kids might like it, but i can't see me watching this one when the first 3 are so much better in every possible way.

Overall 4/10
31 Jul 2006
Belgium land of chocolate
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Uncle Buck

Brilliant John Candy and John Hughes films. I'm going to watch Home Alone next week.

ahh Planes trains and automobiles my fav film of all time saw it 4 times in the cinema as well. John Candy was great in it but I think Steve Martin played an equally good straightman.

The car rental scene still makes me laugh. I suppose I like it so much because I travel home every Christmas and have faced most of these annoying delays and cancellations.
27 Mar 2009
Watched both The Bourne Legacy and End of Watch over the weekend, not really got a bad word to say about either of them both better than I was expecting.

They have certainly set it up for more Bourne films which can only be a good thing :D
7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
I am cheating, as it wasn't last night. But I watched Contagion. Not a bad film at all, rather enjoyed it.

Masters of the Universe is on NowTV, and I keep meaning to watch it, not seen it since I was a kid.
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