What film did you watch last night?

Watched the first Harry Potter - Mrs and I decided to rewatch the early ones before the sixth which we just bought. Enjoyable to see the first attempt. 4/5
Terminator Salvation - excellent stuff.
Saw that the other night too. An acceptable movie but the terminators didn't feel like much of a threat and the ending left me underwhelmed.

Watched Moon a few nights before. Didn't have any expecations but was surprised how compelling a movie it was despite having just a lone character and a robot.
Mad Max 2
Hills Have Eyes

Well I didn't actually watch any of those, but if you took all four and put through a blender, you'd probably end up with a bowl full of Pig Hunt Oddball film. 7 outta 10
Tombstone – the one with Russell/Kilmer. A decent action packed film, fun to watch. Has Val Kilmer ever been better? Westerns can be entertaining, give it a try.
Went to see "Spread" "starring" Ashton Kutcher on new years day (mainly coz the missus wanted to see it as it was described as a romantic comedy!)

Oh dear...... :(

There simply is NO story - nothing happens from the start to the finish!
Other than it being an "18" and there being a few scantily clad ladies it it - there are no redeeming features of the film!


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