What film did you watch last night?

Avatar - 10/10.

Loved it from start to finished, one of, if not the most enjoyable movie I have ever seen. Key word being "enjoyable", yes the plot is a bit thin and there is a fair amount of cheese but I don't think I have ever enjoyed a movie like that, the only thing that has the same effect for me are a very select couple of books. Yes there may be "better" movies, but I sure as hell didn't enjoy anything like Shawshank redemption nearly as much.
Tears Of The Sun.

Bit of a 'face-palmer'. It's no Blood Diamond. A good story but some medicore acting and awful combat scenes. Monica Bellucci saved it for me as eyecandy.
Taken, enjoyed it but the acting seemed a bit stiff and akward sometimes, couldn't put my finger on it.

Still Liam Neeson is bloody fantastic isn't he.
Just watched District 9. Loved it, great movie, plus the fact I lived in SA for 4 and a half years meant I loved all the cultural stuff, brought back good memories. A lot of good attention to detail too, the sort of stuff that would have been missed if it had been an American movie set in SA.
Just watched The Simpson's Movie. Total waste of my life.

Totally agree.. I would rate this highly as being the worst film I have seen last decade.

"Spider pig, spider pig....." - erm **** off!

Why do people find that scene so funny? I often laugh at The Simpson's series but the spider pig scene just isn't funny, it is stupid. (IMO).

I am guessing the world has been over run by Simpson fans due to how popular this fim is, but there is no way that the Simpson's Movie should have been even considered to be turned into a movie! It is nothing special but just an extra long Simpson's episode with not much to offer than a TV repeat.

Over rated to death.
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