What film did you watch last night?

18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
Deadfall - The things i'd do to Olivia Wilde! :D That off my chest, the film was lacking! character development was poor and they came across as quite fragmented, almost like the film should have been longer. Never the less that still wouldnt have given any more to the story other than completeness. so 6/10.
9 Mar 2007
Dredd -

Loved it, a proper 80's throwback action movie with a proper 18 rating. Very true to the characters, in fact I'd say it manages to dispose even some of the slightly more cringe-worthy moments you found in the comics themselves, potentially exceeding its source material in some ways. Great acting by the two main cast, Urban convincingly recreated Dredd for me (many would argue that's not difficult, however Stallone proved its very difficult to act out a tense scene with a visor on and not inflict face-warping levels of cringe) and Thirlby finally getting a main-stage role worthy of her... prowess (and she can act pretty well too).

Complains would be that some of the props and sets did look cheap, for example the bikes, also a huge amount of the film took place in tiny rooms/stairwells/corridors despite being set in a 'mega block'. This is all unavoidable when you're making an action movie on $50mil though and, with that rather small budget in mind its actually impressive what has been achieved. If you consider that off the top of my head, spiderman 2 cost $200 mil and PotC 3 cost an estimated $500mil it really puts into perspective how much of a challenge this must have been.

I'll give it 8/10

If there's ever a sequel I would like to see more of Mega City 1. I remember reading that the studio had its fingers crossed for high sales of DVD/Blu-ray and seeing as it's topping the preorder chart on Amazon against other more successful films like Looper, I'm remaining positive.
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2 Dec 2012
Skyfall - 6/10

Too much plodding in the middle & a Villain that really didn't do anything & possibly the most dire theme song on a bond film & there have been some bad ones.

A plot that was poor & I don't rate Sam Mendes as much of a director.

Gimme Casino Royale any day
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