What film did you watch last night?

21 Oct 2004
West Yorkshire
Skyfall - 5/10,
feel I'm being generous as I didn't really enjoy it. Action was good, but flawed at times a bit silly. The plot holes were too annoying for me, too many things happened which just seem to make MI6 come across as amateur when there supposed to be the best.

Like exploring a known MI6 hackers personal computer on a connected network then going 'oops' when he 'somehow' takes over the MI6 network for a second time?

For me Bond was the only one with half a brain for most of the film, and even he seemed to be having a BIG off day. Maybe I missed the point, but I put this one under Casino Royal, only bit I liked was the end as it seemed to be moving towards the old format a bit more for the next.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Went and saw Jack Reacher last night with the missus, id give it 8/10...i havent read any of the books so didnt know what to expect but have to say it was quite emjoyable...found it dragged on a bit, should have been close to 2 hrs but still missus loved it and i liked it other than a bunch of chavs who thought it would be funny to talk throughout the whole movie...thankfully security grabbed them and chucked them out. stupid ****s, almost ruined the movie for a pretty packed out cinema :/
9 Mar 2007
Bought the Blu-Ray starter pack on Amazon as it's £7.50 and includes Gladiator Special Edition which is usually £8 by itself anyway, so essentially two free films. As a result last night I watched:

Gladiator: Extended Cut - Excellent, but I'll probably watch the theatrical release next time as the added scenes weren't all that amazing. The blu-ray conversion is excellent, one drawback is that the improved PQ and audio made the scenes with Oliver Reed in after he had died that little bit more obvious.


Wanted (this came in the starter pack) - Meh. A big fat Meh. Nothing particularly memorable or different about it. I did get the feeling that the writer/director/producer felt that the bullet bending idea was set to be the next bullet-time (ala The Matrix) as they kept banging on about it. It really isn't. The audio was atrocious too, FAR too much bass, i was constantly having to frantically reach for the remote to turn it down during action scenes; something I never usually do. It was just so over exaggerated, I suppose I could have adjusted the settings for the bass output on my amp however I've had it set like that for 6 months now and never needed to before so couldn't be bothered for one mediocre action flick with a bass addiction.

28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I watched Jurassic Park last night. I'd taped it off ITV2 and I'm sure they'd done a bit of editing here and there because some bits felt a bit off. Still a great film. Mind boggling that it's a PG - it's well scary!
20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
The Hunter 7/10

This was recommend by someone in this thread and I really enjoyed it. I'd seen it on Netflix for quite a while but never bothered to watch it. Glad I did now.

Boy Wonder 6/10

Watched on Netflix as a recommendation from Netflix because I watched The Hunter, not sure how they are comparable film genre's but it was there. Not a bad film but nothing that made it stand out.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Watched on Netflix as a recommendation from Netflix because I watched The Hunter, not sure how they are comparable film genre's but it was there.

The Netflix recommendation system isn't based on genres. It's based on user ratings. So it can see that people who like The Hunter also liked Boy Wonder, and then it makes that recommendation. It doesn't care whether the films are similar, only that people who like one tend to like the other. For example, and this one really might sound nuts, if you rate The Silence of the Lambs highly, then it will recommend that you watch The Wizard of Oz. It doesn't matter that the films are wildly different, only that there is a strong correlation between people like one and people liking the other.

Netflix have done a lot of work on their recommendation system, including throwing it open for competitions, with large cash prizes, challenging people to develop better algorithms, based on sets of data. You can read about it at Wikipedia. It's very interesting, if you like that sort of thing.

By the bye, it's worth noting that you gave the two films fairly similar scores, which suggests that the system works!
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22 Jul 2012
The Raid - Redemption 7/10

Most of the voice acting in The Raid was terrible, but this has to have some of the best martial arts I've seen in a long time. Gritty, gory and reasonably believable.

Yes, it's the same scenario as Dredd, including the two-dimensional evil gang boss.
I enjoyed Dredd more because I'm a huge Dredd fan, but if I wasn't such a fan, I'd have to give The Raid the nod because it's uber violence was more inventive and based on good old fisticuffs instead of pure gunplay. Visceral stuff and very, very well done.

As a story, it's about as weak as Dredd. It gets 7/10 simply because the fight choreography was done so well.
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
I watched Jurassic Park last night. I'd taped it off ITV2 and I'm sure they'd done a bit of editing here and there because some bits felt a bit off. Still a great film. Mind boggling that it's a PG - it's well scary!

Another literally epic 90's film. The scenes with the water rippling and the fat guy with velociraptors..! oh and the toilet incident.
16 Feb 2010
North East England
Snow White and The Huntsman

Managed to foreget this one - which is a good thing.
Nearly cried laughing when it did the 'mirror mirror on wall who is the fairest of them all' and it shows Kristen Stewart LOL :D

She must have been sleeping with someone to get the part (I'm assuming the director is fat and desperate). 2/10.

Very recently watched Expendables 2.
I guess I don't get the in-joke. Rubbish acting, awfull cringe-worthy lines from acters that are still capable of so much more (except Arnie who's done nothing for so long he thinks turning up is all he needs to do) If you want to reminisce about '80s films then watch one, stick Aliens on or Terminator.
26 Jul 2007
Cloverfield - 8/10

Super 8 - 7.5/10

Both are good films and both can be frustrating in the fact that it leaves you with many unanswered questions. But i think that's the point of the films i guess. none the less really enjoyed both.
30 Sep 2009
Super 8 - 7.5/10

Both are good films and both can be frustrating in the fact that it leaves you with many unanswered questions. But i think that's the point of the films i guess. none the less really enjoyed both.

was this the one about gambling? was on channel 4 about 1am this morning. i watched until the first ad break and it seemed interesting, i just couldn't stay awake though. should i have persisted?
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