He Was a Quiet Man
** Spoilers **
This film is one that I bought for a few bob in the shop a couple of weeks ago; I'd never heard of it and I truly didn't know what to expect.
Without giving away too much, the story is that of a man slowly losing his grip on reality. Slater pulls off a fantastic performance and you're dragged into this surreal world of talking fish, cheesey CGI, paranoia and fantasy. The movie is very dark and quite humourous so at times its hard to take it too seriously. The plot seems to come in bursts with quick development, followed by long periods of feeling off-hinge, but this adds to the mood of the film. The soundtrack works quite well in setting the ambience, but I personally do think that it could've been done a little better.
There's a supposidly 'shock' ending which many other reviews have raged on about, but without blowing my own horn too much, I did guess it from the outset; I mean (here's your warning to stop reading now) it's about an angry, under-appreciated, lonely man in the middle of having a nervous break-down who lives within his own little world and clashes against 'reality'. You can more or less see it coming a mile-off, but that's not to say it isn't good.
The ending does feel very open ended, but it's not impossible to work out. I'd post what I think, but I don't wish to ruin it for anyone. I'll leave the fun to you.
** /spoilers **
If you're into surreal, dark comedies that make the old grey matter churn over, you can't go too far wrong with this.
The film can best be described as a healthy mix of Office Space meets Natural Born Killers. It is pretty much what we'd expect from David Lynch if he wasn't quite so serious and the ending has a similar 'feel' to that which we're left with from Memento.
I can see this film being a little like marmite, but if you like what you hear you'll be very pleased with it.