What game did you play last?

An alternative and I believe effecient stratagy to combat that is to go for the cards and ignore building, there are enough victory points from those to win fairly quickly
Had an ad hoc DnD game tonight so with some hasty prep ran a game using Goblinpendance Day single session module. It was really fun and chaotic with one of the players a first timer and the rest using some premades I knocked up.

Was completely chaotic (as it's supposed to be) and added a few additional rules to make it even more so and had a good laugh.

Had a little time before we finished so had a very quick game of Dracula's Feast which worked a treat and went down a blast.
Had a great table top gaming weekend (with a bit of Mario Kart) last weekend.

Takenoko; played 3 player, second or third time of playing but it is really good and a lovely set. Starts of slow as the board is built but then it starts to get going.

Betrayal at House on the Hill; played 5 player, another one of my favourites with it's variety and cooparative play. Unfortunately the end scenario had myself as the betrayer and the instructions were confusing and contradictory so I wasn't able to win! :D

Saboteur; played 5 player, my first time playing this and it was really fun for just a card based game. One hidden 'Saboteur' trying to disrupt the other players made it funny to play.

Dominion; played 5 player, I only played Dominion for the first time back in December and really really liked it. Played a different variant with more players now and it was just as fun. I need to find more people to play it with so I can get more used to the cards and scenarios.

Valeria; played 5 player, I hadn't played before. It is another deck building game like Dominion and different scenarios and cards can be in play giving it a lot of variety. We ended up running out of tokens at one stage and had to make our own with paper. :D I managed to win this game! Yay. Nice card and game design on this too, I may try and get a copy.

Star Realms; played 2 player, again one I hadn't played before, and again it is a deck building game. It seemed quite similar to Hearthstone in some mechanics and Dominion in others. Very enjoyable to play with the collecting of cards and attacking the opponent.

Steam Park; played 2 player, last one and a new one again. Nice game with a lot of pieces and tokens but has a relaxed game style and a set time for everything. Lots of things to do to keep you thinking as well.

Overall it was a great game, looking forward to playing some new stuff and makes me want to find some local players even more to play more regularly.
Finally played Sonar yesterday, played with 6 people and our first game so took it turn based. seemed to be ok, I think we need to play real time. I missheard a direction so ruined our tracking ability and therefore got blown to bits but otherwise it has potential
Bejeweled 3, a relaxing game after work whilst watching Youtube videos.

Wrong thread, Tera, this is for traditional board games.

@bsoltan - glad you liked Dominion, but playing with five? Ouch. Dominion is a three player game maximum, really. Even four takes too long.

Missed my Wednesday group due to not feeling great. Sunday we played Noria, which after a couple of plays I feel is interesting but not interesting enough to keep. Solid design from a newbie, though, I'll be keeping an eye on Sophia Wagner in future. After that we gave Tiny Epic Galaxies a run out; it's definitely the best in the series. One day I may even use the mini-expansion and Beyond The Black.
Played 8 Minute Empire and Walk the Plank yesterday, both are really short games... one of them quite obviously from the name. They're not too bad with 3 people for a quick game while you're thinking of what else to do for the day, not great if you want something involving much thought though.
Planning on playing Tales of the Arabian Nights tomorrow as I've had it sitting in my storage box for almost a year without ever opening it, we'll probably do a round of Betrayal at House on the Hill as well since it's one of our favourites.
Played a really nice game of small world over the weekend with my non-gamer housemates! Hoping that this paves the way for some other light games like Dominion etc
We've been getting into Talisman 4th Edition recently. Had some epic, long games. It's super easy to learn - my better half and non nerdy friends had no trouble - thematic and funny. It's basically a race to accrue as much power, items and followers as possible, while racing to get to the Crown of Command and screwing everyone else over. Real nice art/board/pieces/cards etc. Great 4-6 player fantasy game.

Mission Red Planet's another game we've been getting into. The sweet spot's also 4-6 players. It's a steam-punk themed resource-em-up. You have to load ships with your astronauts, which then take off, land on specific regions on Mars and compete for resources. The fun is in screwing people over (this is pretty much what I look for in a board game!) with the special characters you get to play each turn. Quality art/board yada yada, fun, easy to get into, quick.
I have been remiss in my posting responsibilities.

Sunday most of the group couldn't make it, so I sat down with a friend for a game of Lisboa. Two's not the best count for it - three or four is better - but it's still super tight and good.

Wednesday I had received a copy of The City of Kings, the action-selection RPG that's been described repeatedly as "MMO: The Game", so I brought it along even though I'd barely counted the tokens and read the rules once. With the exception of a few things concerning special abilities it was so easy to pick up; we ran the tutorial scenario and by the end we knew exactly how the game flowed. After that we played Story 1, got hammered by awful tile draws, laughed it off and reset to complete it on the second try. Then someone looked at the clock and we realised we'd been playing for three and a half hours solid. The reprint and expansion is on Kickstarter right now, and I will say run, don't walk. Invest the extra for the Deluxe edition as well; the resource tokens are great, but the anti-knock boards are vital.
So this weeks games list includes:

5 Minute Dungeon. Coop game. each player gets a deck of cards, 3 card hand and you have to use abilities (sword, scroll, arrow and shield) to defeat monstors, or u have special ability cards or class cards. there is a 5 minute time limit. Good fun game, very easy to learn, pretty loud and very quick, replayability comes from it being so short and lacking much tactical depth but good good fun and easy to play. Nice warm up game for an evening.

Love letter, with expansion. Never played this before, the vanilla game was nice, very quick and suffers from certain cards being easily guessable if you can count and remember the deck. The expansion makes it a longer but more enjoyable experience due to variety of cards and their actions.

Carcasonne, played it a lot and its a good staple but played with 5 players this week, this definitely dragged a bit though which was a shame, i think 4 is a limit for our group now. or less expansions.

Quixx, I enjoyed this, have never played before. I can see why its such a classic.

There is a board games day tomorrow so hoping to play some other new games.
Last night played a bit more City of Kings with new people, who also enjoyed it - even the person who doesn't really like co-op games. After that we tried Tortuga 1667, a short hidden role game about pirates divvying up Spanish treasure for the French and English. Interesting, but it feels like it might be a bit cramped at player counts big enough to make the social interaction work.
Hello all,

Recently played a couple of games of the Fallout boardgame (Fantasy Flight). Nice level of Fallout humour, and makes good use of the fallout quests from the games with nice twists. The mechanics are straight forward with some randomness to keep things interesting. The encounter decks constantly evolve depending on the outcome of quests and other encounters which should keep things replayable as different choices or outcomes will introduce different encounters and quests from the library. The playboard map is also mostly random with a number of fixed locations based on the scenario.

First game was using the intro setup, The Commonwealth (Railroad vs Institute), which just ran away from us and ended before we got chance to really get into the game.

Secong game was Far Harbour (Far Harbour vs Children of the Atom), would have been a very different game based on which characters were chosen due to the faction victory conditions, paced slower so we were much more able to get more involved in the side quests to get rep (or steal power armour) while keeping the scenario ticking along nicely.

Does sadly seem to to need some of the house rule tweeks from the interent though to keep the players on the pace in 2-player (generally not enough caps available, and goods in the shop cycle very slowly). Will need to try 4-player to see how more players change things.
More players help for the most part, although when it comes to faction missions you kinda want to declare for the leading faction unless they are currently tied (I've chosen wrong 3 times now).
Last game took us 5 hours (with breaks) as we hadn't played since release.

I highly recommend it though
Finally played something other than The City of Kings, after running it four straight nights. Orleans on Sunday (OK, this was after a short CoK session) - not as good with three, and I broke my rule of not buying the Bathhouse on turn 1 so I won by some 80 points, but it is still a favourite of mine. Then last night I brought Dogs of War at the request of one of the group ... who promptly went off and played Yokohama instead. The rest of us played it anyway as we were short on fives. Good tight game which I almost never win.
Got to play a game of Mystic Vale at the weekend, a rather entertaining drafting/deck building kind of game but the number of cards in your deck stays the same and you craft the cards in your deck by buying additional new abilities for them with mana from your hand.

You draw a new hand from your deck to play each round, but the number of cards you can play is limited by visible Decay symbols. You can also gamble to get more cards (more mana and later more vicotry points and sprits) but risk drawing too much Decay and spoiling your hand. If you dont spil, you can Harvest mana from your cards (and later spirits) to buy upgrades. The goal is simply to score more victory points than your opponents, but some abilities score each time they are harvested during the game, and others score at the end. So there is enough of the 'have I done enough' doubts when tallying your final score.

Play is fast once you get into the flow of the game. and you don't need to concentrate too hard during other players turns so you can drink beer and try and figure out how Optimus Prime transforms into a truck (they have got a lot more fiddly and complicated than I remember).
Codenames - Always great fun with many players. We managed a 5 clue and picked out 4 of them before passing, which I think is the best we've ever done before.

Between Two Cities - Seven of us played this for the first time at the weekend. Really enjoyed it. As you play with the two people either side of you (the cities are all between the players, with the two players either side being the town planners) there's a real sense of team work rather than many games where you're looking to put one over on each other. Somehow (maybe cause none of us really knew what we were doing) I managed to win as I had the two 2nd scoring cities (tied) and you could your lower scoring city. Shame everyone wanted to move on, it's a quick game to play.

Formula D - We played this next. I generally really enjoy it, but three of us crashed out in the first lap and I don't think any of us were that bothered. I went off and checked emails. The game took about 3½ hours still. I like it, but it takes too long I think.
Yeah, Formula De takes way too long if you play more than one lap. RoboRally is much the same - you play it on one board, maybe two, and with maximum three checkpoints.

Sunday I played A Feast For Odin for the first time in a while. I won, but by a lesser margin than I thought I might. Everyone finished positive for score and everyone enjoyed themselves. Then to wrap up the evening we played a couple of rounds of Pecunia Non Olet, the game of operating a Roman public latrine. Very light unless you add multiple expansion modules, but quite amusing. Julius Caesar spent the whole of one game standing outside a loo with his legs crossed because I kept moving Senators into someone's queue - he refuses to enter a latrine if there are any other Senators in it - and when he did finally get in I gave him food poisoning.
Role Player.

4 player game, takes about an hour.
Create a character using dice to fill the sheet.
Everyone has a class and ideal stats they need to reach to gain victory points and win.
Once a dice is placed in a slot, each ability score has a special function enabling you to alter something. The pips on the dice represent the current ability score.
Feats and skills can be bought as well as armour and weapons to help.
VPs can be scored from getting certain coloured dice in certain slots, having the correct alignment and having your class colour dice on your board.
Really enjoyed it so it's on the 'buy' list.
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