Had a great table top gaming weekend (with a bit of Mario Kart) last weekend.
Takenoko; played 3 player, second or third time of playing but it is really good and a lovely set. Starts of slow as the board is built but then it starts to get going.
Betrayal at House on the Hill; played 5 player, another one of my favourites with it's variety and cooparative play. Unfortunately the end scenario had myself as the betrayer and the instructions were confusing and contradictory so I wasn't able to win!
Saboteur; played 5 player, my first time playing this and it was really fun for just a card based game. One hidden 'Saboteur' trying to disrupt the other players made it funny to play.
Dominion; played 5 player, I only played Dominion for the first time back in December and really really liked it. Played a different variant with more players now and it was just as fun. I need to find more people to play it with so I can get more used to the cards and scenarios.
Valeria; played 5 player, I hadn't played before. It is another deck building game like Dominion and different scenarios and cards can be in play giving it a lot of variety. We ended up running out of tokens at one stage and had to make our own with paper.
I managed to win this game! Yay. Nice card and game design on this too, I may try and get a copy.
Star Realms; played 2 player, again one I hadn't played before, and again it is a deck building game. It seemed quite similar to Hearthstone in some mechanics and Dominion in others. Very enjoyable to play with the collecting of cards and attacking the opponent.
Steam Park; played 2 player, last one and a new one again. Nice game with a lot of pieces and tokens but has a relaxed game style and a set time for everything. Lots of things to do to keep you thinking as well.
Overall it was a great game, looking forward to playing some new stuff and makes me want to find some local players even more to play more regularly.