Couple of updates from my last few sessions:
Over Halloween, we played Horrified which is a cooperative game where you're chasing around classic movie monsters who are wreaking havoc across a town, it's got a bunch of household names like dracula, the wolf man, creature from the deep. I loved this game, can't recommend enough.
Then at a recent boardgame cafe we played a couple of new ones for myself:
Spicy - Bluffing card game, reminded me a lot of the card game Cheat.
Just One - It was fun but we only had 4 players and it felt like it would play better at 5+.
Cockroach Poker - Played a very quick game of this, I think since we'd played a few round of Spicy already that we were a bit tired of the bluffing aspect, will be bringing it to the table again though not as the second bluffing game of the day.
Next games I want to play are:
- Camel Up
- Quacks of quedlinburg
If you have any other suggestions for games for 4-6 people which can be played in an hour max, please let me know!