Righty, service time today. Was under 10k since the last one but roughly a tad under 12 months. MOT is on Thursday so I thought it would be good to get fresh oil in the old girl.
Then I had the clever idea to do the oil pick-up pipe at the same time. I'm going to the Nurburgring in 2nd week of September so I wants to rule out any issues with blockages.
So, not particularly exciting pictures but here they are;
Pollen filter first, good job I did it as the air coming into the car was beginning to smell.
Spark plugs, old ones all looked pretty evenly worn so happy days there;
The fuel filter was done last year as well but thought it best to change it, new one will now only have V-Power etc run through it.
Then it was time to get the sump off. Pickup pipe was actually not too bad, couple of little bits in the mesh but not as bad as some. Car is on 71k for reference.
The sump was pretty minging so I gave that a good scrub up too;
Pickup pipes side by side, and new one fitted:
Filled it up with fresh oil and started her up. Went for a quick drive and parked back up to check the sump and disaster, a leak!
Tightened up the bolts a touch to see if that would work and it didn't. Luckily the leak was coming from a small gap so I squirted some more sealer in there, looks ok at the moment but ill keep watch over the next couple of days.
Job done for today, got fresh gearbox oil to go in but no 17mm hex bit so i need to get one.
Finally another daylight picture of the wrapped grill;