drove it and made noises like I was racing because I was bored at the lights
*brumm ba brum brumm brummmm brumm bwaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bwaahhhhhh ptsshhhhhhhh*
or something to that extent, most likely filling 'er up with diesel as dropping some shopping off at the parents so a night time drive down the country lanes later and probably test out this autoguard black box app thing i bought for my phone. see what the quality is like
.....should really look into getting a phone mount (maybe a christmas prezzie
) as when I have recorded driving i've just wedged the phone between the dash and windscreen using a anti slip mat as padding to squish xD .....works surprisingly well! not budged once when i've done it (and that involves driving over a mud/dirt track with some pretty big pot holes)
*brumm ba brum brumm brummmm brumm bwaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bwaahhhhhh ptsshhhhhhhh*
or something to that extent, most likely filling 'er up with diesel as dropping some shopping off at the parents so a night time drive down the country lanes later and probably test out this autoguard black box app thing i bought for my phone. see what the quality is like