What have you done to your car today?

On the insight just put Osram night breaker unlimited bulbs in and polished the lamps with Quixx headlight restore, followed by a layer of collinite 546. Hopefully helps keep them cleaner as the dirt build up over the last few days dulled headlamps massively, I could barely see!

Whiter than generic bulbs but looking at the lamps at different angles you get glints of blue.

I made a similar mistake yesterday. Traffic was immense on the way home so fancied a b road blast instead. Could barely see anything when I got onto the unlit roads. Gave my lights a good clean when I got home. They were covered in a good few mm of dirt!
Will not be long before we a see a post "Ringlands blown to smithereens" :D

It's very rich and retarded at that amount of boost in the low/mid range for that reason. It's done 5,000 miles with the turbo and held in one piece so far

Besides if I'm killing it im doing it properly and making myself a crank inspection window I'm the block :D
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Two new tyres on the back of the Fiesta. That's new tyres all round this week, plus tracking for a smidge over £200.
Appreciated how filthy it was after a drive along the coast yesterday!

Pah positively clean... :p

Noble after a 1,000 mile jaunt over the weekend, I even cleaned it halfway through because the headlights weren't lighting anything up :p


Weekend cleaning it and making sure it's fully dry before it goes back in the garage again for more winter work :)
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Where on earth have you been driving???? I havent had a chance to clean my car for 5 weeks now (every weekend I've made a 400 mile round trip ontop of my normal 30 mile round work run) and my car is no where that dirty. I'm so excited to get it clean this weekend!!

I really need to give the inside of my headlights a good clean but I've done it before. I changed my normal halogens last week for some OSRAM unlimited's by god are they better. Decent visiblity, much nicer light and on of that the colour looks so much better on the car. :P
Where on earth have you been driving???? I havent had a chance to clean my car for 5 weeks now (every weekend I've made a 400 mile round trip ontop of my normal 30 mile round work run) and my car is no where that dirty. I'm so excited to get it clean this weekend!!

Drove up to the Highlands and around some of the roads there, Noble surprisingly compliant on the wintery trip although blowers rubbish at clearing the windscreen and headlights awful (especially in fog)

Good fun had though :)

Do find decent bulbs makes a difference but not so much on the Noble sadly :(
Yes, please get the stick on plate.

I'm getting fed up of all the engineering involved in aerodynamics, only for the government to go and ruin it all by making everyone stick a huge flat object protruding from the front of the attacking surface of their cars. OK it won't make a difference sub-30mph, but as soon as you start hitting 70+ you can say bye bye to your car's aerodynamics.

That standard plate holder in your pic is absolutely horrendous, looks like an aero engineer's worst nightmare!

Front plates aren't exactly a new or uncommon thing, perhaps the car manufacturers should use their engineering expertise to integrate it into the design better.
Trying to track down an interior vibration/buzz/rattle in my car, but it's made very difficult because it only ever seems to happen when turning right or going over a bumpy surface. It won't do it while I'm driving in a straight line or making any left turns, but if I turn right at a junction, go round a roundabout or steer slightly for a right curve in the road it does it.

It's annoyingly loud to the point I don't think I can just let it go, but I just can't seem to work out where it's coming from. It sounds like it's coming from in the dash behind the air vents, but it probably isn't. I've had the stereo out and all the trim from the front of the dash off but no luck so far. Just have to keep tearing bits off I guess :)

It wouldn't surprise me if it was more likely to be something in the engine bay that just makes it sound like it's coming from the dash. The most common thing I found was the engine cover causing it but I took it off completely and it made no difference. Also, there's no audible noise from outside but then with a dag dag engine you're not going to be able to hear anything anyway. Just confused as to why it only really happens when I'm turning right...
Pah positively clean... :p

Noble after a 1,000 mile jaunt over the weekend, I even cleaned it halfway through because the headlights weren't lighting anything up :p


Weekend cleaning it and making sure it's fully dry before it goes back in the garage again for more winter work :)

The Noble M12 shape still looks so good.
Yes I will be doing just that tomorrow. I look forward to the spotless finish afterwards though :D
Mine is totally filthy too. I haven't had it cleaned since September and I've done about 10k miles since then but to be fair, it wasn't looking too bad until last week. I drove to Germany and back and remember it looking a bit worse for wear after I was back. But for some reason a 250 mile drive to/from Taunton on Tuesday night seemed to finish it off and it's now caked in sticky black filth. It was pretty foggy for a fair distance on the way back so I think that's what finished it off.

I only really appreciated just how bad it was when on the Wednesday morning I noticed my front headlights were black, that when I went round the back of the car I could barely see my rear number plate and that my fingers were black after opening the boot. Gave the windows, lights, boot open button and plates a wipe to keep it going until this weekend when it gets a much deserved clean.

Though I think I'll spend a bit more time trying to track down that damn rattle mentioned previously, first.
Added a footrest plate as it was just bare carpet and covered the KTR airbox in reflective gold tape to avoid heatsoak as it's positioned close to the manifold.


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