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What if the 3000 series is over hyped?

30 Jun 2019
There's some truth in the RTX 3000 series being overhyped. Comparing the RTX 2080 TI and RTX 3090 at base clocks, the RTX 3090 has just a 39.5% higher pixel rate and a 32.3% higher texture rate.

I think that is why the overall performance is not ~100% greater than the RTX 2080 TI. In fact, the performance improvement appears to be more like 50% (at least in games like Doom Eternal).

The 2x shader improvement (due to 2x instructions per SM) is still a huge advantage for Nvidia, which AMD apparently can't match.
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Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Cards are always over hyped at launch, even more so by third parties.

Having said that the 3000 series does look to be quite a bit faster and better value than the 2000 series but the new Ampere cards still have some serious short comings like size, heat and power consumption.

The full picture won't emerge until the cards are in the hands of reviewers and end users.

If the circumstances are right like it's upgrade time, is it worth buying a 3XXX card? - Yes.
16 Aug 2009
Its only hyped if benchmarks don't match expectations, and marketing is all about increasing expectations why do you think there are no benchmarks until launch day? Nvidia want you to make a choice based solely on their presentation marketing they know most people don't want to wait, sure some will but the majority just swallow the hype and want a new toy to play with, they'll moan about benchmarks after they've paid their money.

The other question is why would Nvidia drag the 2080ti through the mud and lie about the 3070 being on par with it?

On par with what? DLSS? RT? That I can believe as its a low bar to hit.

Yes , why lie about it. If it beats it great.... if it doesn't why do unnecessary damage to existing stock and customers by lying about it. Fairly obvious.

Nvidia would be foolish to straight up lie but they can be selective with the truth, which they are being.

Stores still have stock to sell. You can launch a new product without pshing all over your previous £1000 flagship. It's a valid question. No need to get aggressive over it.

Stores have stock to shift but they've already paid for it, they don't get it on sale or return. Shops just have to suck up the losses on EOL products which is probably why prices of the new go up shortly afterwards especially as demand will often outstrip supply.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Its only hyped if benchmarks don't match expectations, and marketing is all about increasing expectations why do you think there are no benchmarks until launch day? Nvidia want you to make a choice based solely on their presentation marketing they know most people don't want to wait, sure some will but the majority just swallow the hype and want a new toy to play with, they'll moan about benchmarks after they've paid their money.

Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 001

7 Aug 2017
There's some truth in the RTX 3000 series being overhyped. Comparing the RTX 2080 TI and RTX 3090 at base clocks, the RTX 3090 has just a 39.5% higher pixel rate and a 32.3% higher texture rate.

I think that is why the overall performance is not ~100% greater than the RTX 2080 TI. In fact, the performance improvement appears to be more like 50% (at least in games like Doom Eternal).

The 2x shader improvement (due to 2x instructions per SM) is still a huge advantage for Nvidia, which AMD apparently can't match.

After years of small performance increases between GPU generations, a 50% boost is massive.
21 Oct 2013
Its only hyped if benchmarks don't match expectations, and marketing is all about increasing expectations why do you think there are no benchmarks until launch day? Nvidia want you to make a choice based solely on their presentation marketing they know most people don't want to wait, sure some will but the majority just swallow the hype and want a new toy to play with, they'll moan about benchmarks after they've paid their money.

On par with what? DLSS? RT? That I can believe as its a low bar to hit.

Nvidia would be foolish to straight up lie but they can be selective with the truth, which they are being.

Stores have stock to shift but they've already paid for it, they don't get it on sale or return. Shops just have to suck up the losses on EOL products which is probably why prices of the new go up shortly afterwards especially as demand will often outstrip supply.
You have super quoted me :D

I don't disagree with anything you have said.

It appears Nvidia are determined this time to make the 2080ti look bad (for now). Maybe because when they launched Turing they left Pascal cards in a strong standing so people were reluctant to upgrade.

The one winner in all of this could be cex, they could make killing with all the 2080tis that people traded in depending on how the benchmark/reviews go :D
8 Jun 2018
This is an example of how Nvidia marketing works.

And I stopped at 5. Point is every one of these articles say the same thing...how big 3090 is in your case using the same exact picture.
Now, it looks silly once someone does a collage of it. But if you were not paying attention someone would need to pointed it out you. These are different websites, usually those that signed Nvidia's NDA 2.0 regurgitated the same thing over and over again using the exact same picture. It doesn't say, "found pic of 3090 from chip hell". It's more, "Look at how huge this thing will be in your PC". That's how marketing works. It's a form of inception.

So is it over-hyped, yes it is and the above example is proof of concept.

Lol. What I see is your bias East ;)
I'm in no hurry and can wait until RNDA 2 releases before I decide. However, I've already said I'm going console. ;)
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20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
For those of us who don't speak french - what's the TL;DR ?

yes the figures have been fudged by nvidia. And overclocked oc strix matches the performance almost frame per frame of the 3080 they used in the Nvidia presentation. At stock speeds a 3080 is not 50% faster Than a stock 2080ti, maybe 10 to 20% faster at best.

don’t forget there is a problem with the 3080 at the settings Nvidia used and it loses 20% of its performance and is slower than a 1080ti in that game. That’s how Nvidia can show a 100% gain over the 3080 and then people were using the fact that the 2080ti was only 35% faster than a 2080 to come up with that the 3080 is going to be 50% than a 2080ti in doom. It’s not,

nobody knows how well or not the 3080 over locks yet and all we know is that Nvidia were using the 3080 at stock. But it’s looking like in doom eternal, if the 3080 is faster than an over locked 2080ti, isn’t on,y going to be by how much that overclocks by. So if the 3080 overclocks by 10% then that’s how much faster it will end being over a 2080ti.

if all that is true there are going to be some pretty disappointed people come Monday and the reviews are out. Especially anybody who has sold their 2080ti cheap and was looking to buy a 3080.
14 Nov 2002
I thought they (nvidia) were actually comparing to a vanilla 2080 most of the time ?
Either way, its not hard to fudge, I'll bet they made the 2xxx card they were using run at its stated boost clock, rather than the 200+ more most 2xxx series run over that as standard....

Whatever, the performance will best my last card in 4k, so no worries for me on that front.
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