What PC games are you playing?

While waiting for Elite's Beta to start, I've got back in to XCom. I'm also trying the vaunted Long War mod. Tough is one word, unfair is another and rather good is a third.

Just ran the Site Recon mission for the first time ever. 28 Chryssailds dead and I still couldn't beat the mission. Things went south when they started "coming out the goddam walls and other things..." Four troopers had to leg it back to the Skyranger.

I lost Wesley Snipes there. My lethal sniper and his 31 kills, all gone now. :(
While waiting for Elite's Beta to start, I've got back in to XCom. I'm also trying the vaunted Long War mod. Tough is one word, unfair is another and rather good is a third.

Just ran the Site Recon mission for the first time ever. 28 Chryssailds dead and I still couldn't beat the mission. Things went south when they started "coming out the goddam walls and other things..." Four troopers had to leg it back to the Skyranger.

I lost Wesley Snipes there. My lethal sniper and his 31 kills, all gone now. :(

My first terror mission was like that, and to make things worse it was on the fishing village map. Held out for a bit in the exit area (after a ragged running retreat) before having to eventually abort.
Borderlands GOTY, currently got 36hrs on it and I don't think I'm even that far :D Also using a bunch of AA + SweetFX through RadeonPro as it doesn't have that. (Also doesn't have a FOV slider but I've managed to bind it to a key at least.) Really enjoying it so far.
Only just started with PC gaming again after 7-8 months away.

Decided just to start with Path of Exile and I'm quite enjoying it so far. 70% of the way through Act 2. For a free game, it's pretty good. You can tell it's been made to be more like Diablo 2 and I quite enjoy it for that.

Not sure what I'll play next though - I've got some games on my Steam wish list so I'll have a look at those and see what I fancy.

Mostly interested in PC exclusive titles and genres than just play well on PC such as ARPGs, RTS etc
In my second month of returning to Ultima Online (OSI Europa) after having been away for about 10 years xD

pretty much all I'm playing now, ain't been on BF4 for at least a week i think? maybe longer :eek:

absolutely loving it! ok, the people are few and far between these days in comparison to what it was.... but the people who I've met and interacted with are all great, really helpful, good laugh!this one player has basically been taking me each night to different dungeons/bosses either just use or with a few others. places I never thought of going or known about (my play was pretty sheltered on there 10 years ago... fear of death n all that haha)

making me monies! got myself a tower house and slowly decorating it :D bought a 3 month sub so will be on this for a while yet :D
I have to get on your twitch at some point Sasso, use to play on Europa years ago :)

I'm playing Elite Dangerous and Robocraft (free steam game folks!) with other OCUKers (see sig), great fun :D
I have to get on your twitch at some point Sasso, use to play on Europa years ago :)

I'm playing Elite Dangerous and Robocraft (free steam game folks!) with other OCUKers (see sig), great fun :D

oh nice!! :D ay, depending on how long ago you played, it may have changed quite a bit!

though I don't really stream that often but I probably should a bit more :)

not liking this new implementation that twitch are putting in, doesn't really affect me atm but could do further down the line. They're now doing audio scans of saved videos for copyrighted music (and even in-game copyright music?!?!?) in 30 min chunks.... if found that 30 mins has any copyright music in then that whole 30 min sections gets muted....MEH!!!

I mean I usually use deezer or youtubes for music when I stream so basically if I were to save videos (currently I don't save any casts) then all my vids would be silent! :( what a pile of ass!! I'm pretty sure they will try and implement it onto live streams too soon.
Skyrim (As usual)
A bit of Euro Truck Simulator 2 whenever I want to relax
Watch Dogs
Gears of War 1 (No idea why, wont be able to play any of the sequels)
So many amazing AAA games are now residing in my steam library and hard disk, but the ones with by far the most play hours, in order, are:

1) Civ 5 (Brave New World)
2) Kerbal Space Program
3) Skyrim
XCOM (Long War Mod) - The rigged "RNG" ******** is unreal. It's like the nonsense that went on in vanilla XCom, only magnified. You go mission after mission nailing everything, then the game decides that your squad couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, even if they were inside it! I had to scrub another promising start to a campaign after this nonsense.

What's worse, is that I'll start again tomorrow. :o

Elite Dangerous - I don't know about any of the other beta players, but I'm really not 'feeling' the Elite vibe at the moment. :(

I would play a bit of KSP to unwind, but too many mods are still be updated...
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