What PC games are you playing?

none since ea have closed down crysis 1 online servers:(

dunno what ill do now it was the only game I played over the net
Currently rotating between Hitman Absolution, Company of Heroes Blitzkrieg and Red Orchestra 2. I've just finished downloading Battlefield 4 again so I might give that another chance too.
Portal 2: user made maps. I love this game and there are some clever guys out there with some great ideas.

Dead Island: Riptide. I think this is fun with all it's faults.

Darkness 11: because it was less than 4 quid on steam yesterday.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. trying to improve on my duel stats and failing.
I've started playing Bioshock Infinite again as I have upgraded to a GTX670 SLI setup and was going through some games to see the difference in performance.

I forgot how stunning this game is from an artwork point of view.
Currently playing through Trine: Enchanted Edition. Don't have much time to game recently so I can do a few puzzles and just hit save.
Started Thief, I'm slowly getting into it although these type of games aren't what I usually play.

I am getting some really bad FPS drops, mostly in the area around the Clock Tower.
Elite Dangerous: Spent ten minutes sitting around Aulin space station and watched the AI crash multiple ships in the docking bay. Didn't really fancy doing anything else. :(

DOTA 2 - Reinstalled it and quickly remembered that I have very little idea what I'm doing.
Currently playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Binary Domain via the supreme power of the Intel HD 4600 after I had to RMA my artifacting 280X. Surprised at how well they run actually (at 720p mind you) and am really enjoying both.
World of Tanks, Star Trek Online, Sid Meier's Pirates! and started another play through of Splinter Cell: Conviction. Thinking of completing Starcraft II as I never really got into it first time around.
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