I have no problem consuming meat, nothing beats a lovely bit of roast beef on a Sunday - but I would prefer that the welfare of animals was better; but that's not something I would ever personally be able to verify, so just have to accept that it is what it is. Even if there were sweeping legislation to ensure that animals are treated well/slaughtered ‘kindly’ – I very much doubt it could ever be enforced, to the degree you could eat meat guilt free.
Where possible (financially etc) I like to get my meat directly from a local slaughter house – the meat is so much better quality than supermarket stuff, and bacon specifically being off the chart good, the water-injected nonsense from supermarkets simply cannot compete; a bit like the fruit and veg I get from the local greengrocer.
I haven’t seen any of the shock videos out there, showing exactly how food is made – as I’m not of that sort of mental disposition, where I want to see animals suffer. Like most meat-eaters, I am vaguely aware of what happens, but don’t need to see it. As for things like chicks being ground up alive, that is beyond barbaric, as I am sure all meat-eaters would agree; but the businesses responsible aren’t going to spend the time or money on relocating said animals, or feeding them up and keeping them – so grinding up the poor souls is probably just a financial decision for them. But yes, something like that is inhuman, but it won’t stop me eating meat – as taking my business elsewhere wouldn’t change a thing.
I also don’t get the mentality of the recent rise in anti-dairy, though I’ve not looked into it in any great deal (why would I?), I vaguely recall seeing some protest-esq material that accused milk drinkers of stealing food from baby animals…. mental.
To coin the ***** Jeremy Kyle saying “at the ned of the day” I’d never dare think I have the right to tell a vegetarian they should eat meat, and likewise, I don’t believe a vegetarian (or vegan) has any right to tell me I shouldn’t.