Wow, you soy boys really are offensive, obtuse and deluded. If veganism is so healthy, why do your lot on a long enough time line always end up looking like you're dying without huge amounts of supplementation? Let's not forget Heroine and cigarettes are technically vegan. Now, let's talk about those supplements. Do you even realise what a lot of those ingredients actually are?
After 5 years...
There's a lot of images I simply refuse to share because of there highly distressing nature, such as severely malnourished babies who've been hospitalised by their monstrous vegan zealot parents. But hey, if it's so healthy why can't kids do it? But I bet I'm just making that one up right? Or I'm misunderstanding something. Sorry, but no.
What about this?
or this?
What about the fact that any studies linking meat to cancer are done with processed meats, or that studies done with rats have been done after rats have been injected with carcinogens to induce cancer? They did this in almost all studies cited by the WHO.
Not convinced? (I know you won't be, it doesn't fit your deluded narrative so must be fake news) multiforme_case report_38-month long_progression-free survival?fbclid=IwAR0rlNOXAPXF1F4MqIwIMuIR6Ml3XwQOZLhLeJoWjNBo4Q_IQusl7oalNuA
or this?
I could do this all day...
But, hey lets forget about all that pesky evidence that disproves your assertions and the countless other sources I could provide that go against the vegan agenda.
Lets forget basic human physiology and evolution over millions of years. Let's ignore the science of botany as just babble. That's all wrong and you vegans have it right? Those who fully functioning brains know veganism is right? Yay another insult... Then why is it that every cell in the body requires nutrients only found in animal based food? Including the brain.
But no, Fact is eating meat doesn't cause cancer. Eating carcinogens (you eat plenty of those, buddy) and highly processed food causes cancers.
But, hey according to you I'm definitely going to die horribly despite the fact I feel better than I've ever done. But seriously the offer still stands, you post your blood results and I'll post mine.