Why are you not vegan....

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My sigs a quote from Charlie Brooker.

They're obligate carnivore so no you wont find a vegan cat to my knowledge, there was a border collie who lived till 25 on a plant based diet tho, pretty amazing.
My point about my grandparents is also that while they strictly adhered to their belief and spoke at meetings to like minded people they did not force their beliefs or go out of their way to offend people.
I very much enjoyed nut based dishes and other vegetarian foods. I don't suppose that she considered milk a sin though as it was the early and mid last century when soya and coconut milk was a bit thin on the ground.
9 months of being a vegetarian and a few weeks of being a vegan then openly attacking others for their choices they've made, the same one that OP had done for decades?

Really? Does a few months of this buy you such a high horse? What about other things people have done in their life that benefits society? Can a heart surgeon eat a burger per child saved on the table? You going to have a pop at Mother Teresa not being a vegan?

Pleaseeeeeee, there is so much hypocrisy here.

Mother Teresa was a ****, I thought that was common knowledge?

Im not attacking anyone, Ive already said I used to make the same excuses. It was a click baity title to get the conversation going in speakers corner, someone moved it here. People have been triggered tho.
If you want to be a vegan, then that’s your choice, I accept it. But you need to reciprocate by accepting other people make their own choices and not preach about it like you’re bloody Frances of Assisi
What about when their choice contributes to the destruction of the sensitive eco systems we rely on for our survival ?
We're lucky we have the land. But we keep our own duck and chickens for eggs that we also sell to friends. We're working our way towards rasiing weaners for meat. And in so far as we can we buy meat that is ethically produced. Also recently been on a training course on how to dispatch fowl humanely during which I had to dispatch 3 birds. I'm comfortable being a meat eater and I'm trying to do so in a reasonable manner and frankly I can't ever see myself giving up meat. I'll keep working to produce more for myself as long as it's practical to do so.

Plus vegans suck :p
But if you give up meat, aren't you still effectively killing animals by not allowing them to be born on the first place to be used for meat/dairy?

Also why don't vegans like milk?
Mother Teresa was a ****, I thought that was common knowledge?

Im not attacking anyone, Ive already said I used to make the same excuses. It was a click baity title to get the conversation going in speakers corner, someone moved it here. People have been triggered tho.

I actually did hear about that but was waiting for you to fall into that trap...too predictable!

You are attacking people, this thread is, you are purposely looking for confrontation. How about you have a word with yourself? Does going vegan allow you be being nasty to others?

And I ask again, does a few weeks of vegan wash off decades of your sin? Does it?
I imagine what you are describing is worse case scenario. We saw some lovely looking pig farms near Sutton Hoo. My wife described it as glamping for pigs!

I pretty much only eat free range meat, which is enough to assuage my conscience.
I have no plans to stop eating meat, but would prefer that the animals are treated as kindly as possible before slaughter.

I said exactly this. I stopped eating factory farmed meat, so that pretty much left me eating free range chicken. I met some pigs last year while 'glamping' funnily enough and that was it for me, I only truly found out the horrors of the meat and
dairy industry while doing some more research.

Its not isolated cases that happens elsewhere it happens here and its industry standard practices, most pigs and chickens that people eat will not have had anything like a kind or reasonable existence, if you're really interested in the facts try watching this. Its all filmed in UK farms... https://www.landofhopeandglory.org/
But if you give up meat, aren't you still effectively killing animals by not allowing them to be born on the first place to be used for meat/dairy?

Also why don't vegans like milk?

Because the dairy industry is part of the meat industry.

Most vegans don't have a problem with people having their own chickens for example, but commercially, it all feeds into the meat industry.

Do you think veganism doesn’t harm the environment?

It's pretty conclusive that it's the other way around, the meat industry is a massive contributor to global warming.
How are you only just realising this? Yes, only the female ones lay eggs. Likewise, what do you think happens to most bull calves given they can't produce milk?

Are there really lots of people out there who'd otherwise be vegetarians or vegans but somehow don't know about baby male cows, chicks etc.?

I doesn't seem like it will take too long for lab-grown meat to become popular so I suspect vegans and vegetarians will become rarer in the future.

Not a single friend or family member has known about "useless" male chicks or pigs being gassed to death when ive brought it up in conversation.

I do agree tho, lab meat will hopefully replace tortured animals.
That's not milk, and it all tastes like **** in comparison to what you get when you wring out a cow.
This is just more of the braindead nonsense.
The verb to milk can be applied to anything, not just mammals:
extract sap, venom, or other substances from.

And if you go down the route of being so pernickety about specific definition, then what you call milk is not the direct produce form cows but has been pasteurised and homogenised. In Switzerland, unless it is 100% full fat milk, then it is not legally allowed to be called milk but a dairy based drink.

The matter is just your personal opinion, many people prefer almond, rice , oat or coconut milk to dairy. It is really what you are used to. If you ever tried to go vegan and swapped dairy milk for say Oat milk, after a few months you would find you prefer the taste of oat milk.
I actually did hear about that but was waiting for you to fall into that trap...too predictable!

You are attacking people, this thread is, you are purposely looking for confrontation. How about you have a word with yourself? Does going vegan allow you be being nasty to others?

And I ask again, does a few weeks of vegan wash off decades of your sin? Does it?

Who have I attacked (except that grifter mother teresa) :confused:
I grew up in a fairly rural setting, working on farms during the summer for extra pocket money etc and made friends with most of the farmers kids around my age. Eating meat is something I will always do. I love animals, but without them being eaten frankly most of those would be in zoos or extinct. Those animals now are dependent on humans for survival, it's a symbiotic relationship now. Whether that's right and moral - not frankly a choice at this point, it's done over thousands of years of domestication.

I do want better conditions for farm animals, that will mostly happen through reducing imports and improving the domestic market.
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