The vegan animals, say...the Koala, they have evolved to live on that diet. There is nothing else can survive eating on the same diet as they can. Just because the Koala eats those leaves all doesn't mean you will too, or can. Your stomach simply isn't evolved to digest it.
That's the counter logic for vegan animals. Evolution.
Humans have eaten meat for thousands of years, and cooked meat too. There are studies that suggests around the same time our brains got larger is when we started eating cooked meat and about the time when we started to evolved to be smarter and moved out of caves.
Animals who eat other animals (or they don't eat other animals), don't base their diet on morals. Morality is NOT in the equation. People who eat meat simply say we are following the rule of the animal kingdom. Vegans want to add in this rule which doesn't exist for anything else. Which is fine, you can apply morals to YOUR diet. Don't apply to a lion and please do apply it to mine.
It seems many on this forum think they are scientists - are you ? I hold 2 degrees, one full science based, the other in IT.
I say this, because you're simply wrong, quite obvious evidence - I mean, really simple stuff a 10 year old can understand, shows we evolved for a primarily plant based diet - just as nearly all apes only eat plants (some are very occasional omnivore, but still have a 99% plant based diet)
Let me break it down for you (I'm still blown away you think we are evolved to eat meat, you must have a weird minds eye of a human)
1) Very long intestinal tract, all carnivores are 4-6x shorter than a human
2) Plant grinding teeth, no teeth evolved to tear flesh (as all carnivores are)
3) There is nothing in any meat diet humans NEED, we however do need about a dozen amino acids and other molecules that are all and ONLY found in plants (ergo we need plants to live, meat contains not molecules we need to survive)
4) B12 is the by product of bacteria found in soil, humans previously got this from drinking non sterile water. In fact most meat these days has it injected in to the animals as most factory farmed animals drink tap water also.
Morality is in the equation for a human, because we are mentally capable of it - indeed a huge amount of animals show the ability for compassion and empathy also.
This reply is beyond 'opinion' now, as its all literal fact, you can reply if you wish, but the science shows the human body is by far and away 99.9% setup for plants, only. Sure we can digest meat, but it's not what we a biologically designed for. We can be omnivores but the evolution of 'us' is simply plant based.
Gorillas are plant based, and several times stronger and more robust than you, me, or any other humans, I just like to point that out for fun when some 'hard man' meat eater says we 'need' meat to be big and strong - ok pal, go punch a vegan Gorilla in the face and see what happens! lol