I guess people could take to eating humans and then it would solve the people problem while still enjoying meatNo, we’ll have to reduce the population. A vegan diet won’t magically save the planet.
Aspects of it seem pointless when it's just stopping the exploitation of for eggs laid by a rescue hen etc. sure the animals have technically been "exploited" but realistically there isn't really much of a cruelty argument if the hen was otherwise due to be killed because it's old/doesn't lay so frequently.
Likewise, not eating muscles, oysters, scallops etc. if you can eat plants or fungus then why not eat those too?
I guess just like with the alphabet community, they have to let everyone know. Same with vegans, too many people want to feel special so the tell everyone but on the whole, nobody really cares.
Bovril?Nah, that's mainly tomatoes. I'm on about blended cow in a bottle you can squeeze over stuff.
Na I wouldnt support sitting on the A1 to help veganism. I think because I had just watched a bit of this documetary ( https://www.landofhopeandglory.org/ ) so emotions were a bit "high", hence why I renamed the title.OP are you one of those Insulate Britain nutters who alienates everyone and turns them off to their message because they just shout at people about how bad they are?
Certainly come across that way.
A lion or tiger doesn't care if a cow, pig or chicken can speak for itself. It just sees food, natural way of nature.I dont think so, have I played the victim card here? Its not like a cow, pig or chicken can speak up for itself is it....
Palm oil is indeed devastating to the enviroment and animals, like I said, I probably havent eaten palm oil this week or even month, because most of the time its in with animal products.
I had vegan mozzarella once. Genuinely like melted plasticVegan mozzarella is dreadful, pizza is the greatest thing in the world so until they solve that problem it’s not possible.
Yea I grew up near a dairy farm. All the horrors were hidden though, like baby male calves being murdered straight away or left to suffocate in the dead mother or sold for veal.
It is a shame yea but its what you're up against, and tbh, I do like such polarized topics, a lot of it comes from ignorance anyway and I would no doubt have said similar stupid stuff 5yrs ago.
Which I accept, and I agree, some emat can taste amazing. But that in itself doesn't mean that you should. Child molesters enoy what they do, that doesn't make it right.
It’s actually surprising how bad it is, my expectations were low but wowI had vegan mozzarella once. Genuinely like melted plastic