Late night post and couldn't cover everything, but besides the cruelty and the conditions I don't want these animals to be killed on my behalf.
Fair point on the fruit picking, I'm against the exploitation of people too, will investigate further how I can be better in this area.
But fundamentally people have the freedom to leave, get a different job, work on a different farm, go pick fruit in another country where conditions are better. They can also call the police, write to the local MP, post photos on social media, complain directly to the owners etc.
If you are not eating them, nor using any products that come from them or their carcass, then they would be being killed on your behalf anyway, would they?
Also, many times NO these people do not have the freedom to leave, or to get a different job, or work on a different farm. Many are brought over here by workmasters (gangmasters) who stuff them 5+ to a room and pretty much dictate their pay, their hours, their terms and sadly those people do not have the freedom or the option to call the police, or write to an MP.
I am 100% against this kind of behavior of exploitation, but at no point would I be saying to others "you shouldn't eat fruit / veg because of the exploitation / cruelty of the workers", nor would I berate them or equate them to a Slave-gang driver in the way that some have attempted to portray meat eaters as "murders" and people whom are complicit with animal abuse and morally bereft.