I think eventually....at least in a developed and more educated society, it can happen...but not in my life time.
Most people don’t have the incentive, motivation, energy, inclination or reason to go vegan. OP saying “meat is bad, animal abuse” doesn’t work. It triggers a “putting up wall” mechanism inside the head, because it sounds like someone trying to recruit me into a cult.
Most people would only do things when it is beneficial to them, especially when they are not well off. Veganism is a luxury diet, it is not something you do when you are poor….I am going to take a WILD stab here that all the vegans in this thread earn above the national average, and I’ll even go 1 step further, that they are not renting. So if I have to be beneficially worse off for my diet, that’s not going to work for most people as the perception is that vegan food cost more. Junk food is cheap, frozen chips and frozen processed food is cheap. Yes I know you can eat on a vegan diet too on the cheap, but cooking skills is not something everyone has, this takes education and more education, both in home cooking and also financial habit. And telling someone “animal abuse” isn’t going to do a thing towards this or help them shifting them off their meat diet when they are not educated.
It’s such a reductive way to look at things, and unappreciative of other's environmental situation if the only angle is “animal abuse”.