Why do people cheat in games?

really, WarThunder - in all my time playing this (+2years every day almost) I have yet to meet a single confirmable cheater.

got to agree strongly with the WarZ one though - a game I actually loved but was destroyed by the hackers and the crooked devs - there were actual reports that the dev team were responsible for some of the cheats and were happily banning people so they would have to re-buy the game!

Would you like to see a video of cheaters in war thunder? they plague the entire game lol. I will trust you a video if you want so you can see it. I would not want to post publicly as it's a company i regularly check to see if they have hacks available for games so i can be sure if it's possible people are cheating or not. And would not like to advertise them in any way at all as i would not want anyone buying out of " curiosity "
MP = no no unless it's allowed i.e ETS2 MP you can use a money cheat.

SP = Only affecting your own game I have no issue with people cheating.
Would you like to see a video of cheaters in war thunder? they plague the entire game lol. I will trust you a video if you want so you can see it. I would not want to post publicly as it's a company i regularly check to see if they have hacks available for games so i can be sure if it's possible people are cheating or not. And would not like to advertise them in any way at all as i would not want anyone buying out of " curiosity "

certainly. please do, I was under the impression that due to everything (well the important stuff) happening server side then cheating was a very rare occurrence. but I'd certainly be happy to be proved wrong - well not happy to see cheating but you know what I mean! :p
certainly. please do, I was under the impression that due to everything (well the important stuff) happening server side then cheating was a very rare occurrence. but I'd certainly be happy to be proved wrong - well not happy to see cheating but you know what I mean! :p

:D No problem i will send you a few links now pal. I understand the happy to be shown otherwise ect :D.

EDIT : Sent trust message :) did it come through?

EDIT 2 : They pulled the same " everything is server side so it is very hack resistant " **** as DayZ Standalone did and look how that turned out sadly.
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For the most part people cheat because they are scared of losing - they might wrap it up in something else i.e. tell themselves they are griefing people or whatever but beneath the surface 9 times out of 10 it stems back to the same underlying reason (which probably goes back to some deeper evolutionary thing).

I've also found the average player is incredibly unable to detect when someone is cheating - often either claiming anyone slightly good at the game is cheating or claiming "no one is cheating" when its blatant that there are some players cheating.
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I can see why people cheat in online games, they want that feeling of beating other people, but don't want to plough thousands of hours into it to become good. Or still aren't good after ploughing thousands of hours into a game.

One thing I don't understand is people that cheat to get achievements on Steam. You see on their profile that they have 160 achievements for a game and have played it for 2 hours.
I know a member on here who got caught cheating but managed to somehow get their ban removed. So even if you do get caught it doesn't matter. :p
Yeah it takes around 10,000 hours on average to master something, and when you look at the CS:GO pro's you can see why.

There's good players who have a few thousands hours and then there's these guys who've played the games for years and have insane aim that any player who didn't know who they were would instantly label a cheater. In fact most of them could be put up against a team of cheaters (not aimbots just wallhackers/radar users) and still win.
:D No problem i will send you a few links now pal. I understand the happy to be shown otherwise ect :D.

EDIT : Sent trust message :) did it come through?

EDIT 2 : They pulled the same " everything is server side so it is very hack resistant " **** as DayZ Standalone did and look how that turned out sadly.

got it through - probably wont be able to watch till I'm home though, works internet doesn't play nice with youtube :(

I can see why people cheat in online games, they want that feeling of beating other people, but don't want to plough thousands of hours into it to become good. Or still aren't good after ploughing thousands of hours into a game.

One thing I don't understand is people that cheat to get achievements on Steam. You see on their profile that they have 160 achievements for a game and have played it for 2 hours.

If someone gets that feeling from letting a piece of software do the work for them they are a pretty poor specimen of human being :S
It should be made an actual criminal offence tbh. Surely it is at least fraud. I put online cheaters on a par with sex offenders myself, there must be a similar self gratification motive going on in their minds. There should be a permanent register they have to sign.
Only time I have "cheated" was back in BF2 early days and meeting up with a couple of friends on the opposite team to stat pad our knife/revive skills

Why? With the unlock progression there was a benefit and it really didn't seem to hurt anyone.
Never the less, both teams cottoned on to what we were doing and both came charging in to end it lol.
It should be made an actual criminal offence tbh. Surely it is at least fraud. I put online cheaters on a par with sex offenders myself, there must be a similar self gratification motive going on in their minds. There should be a permanent register they have to sign.

It should be made an actual criminal offence tbh. Surely it is at least fraud. I put online cheaters on a par with sex offenders myself, there must be a similar self gratification motive going on in their minds. There should be a permanent register they have to sign.

Bit strong that lol :D
Cheating is really frustrating, but in some instances i can see why people (kiddies) do it.
BF for example; you may be a stella player but if you start late and are on a server where everyone has ranked up and have unlocked every weapon, you're doomed for a good while until you can get those weapons too. I end up abandoning those games, cos as an average FPS gamer i get totally owned by those with much better weaponry.

Also though, how many on here 'think' or actually accuse (in-game) others of cheating when their only proof is their great score?
I've done it loads, but then the other week i was standing behind my son watching him play Black Ops III online and he was almost untouchable. No cheats, just really good at the game, totally owning everyone else and i thought some of the other players were good. Had i been in that game i would have swore he was cheating!
Kids are born on these things nowadays and they are very good, without resorting to cheating.
Just my 2 penneth.
Cheats their excuses, and their BS, funny thing is people like this guy actually believe their own BS
Bit strong that lol :D

Really? I was going to say I put them on a par with ISIS and that they should be publicly stoned to death, but thought that was maybe a tad extreme. :)

This ingrained hatred is based on what they did to my favourite game of all time, MoHAA.
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