Nope midnight EST or 05:00 here...
Unless you use the guide posted above to convert the ESD and mount it. Then it works.
My hidden folder wasn't there so manually downloading the Pro 64bit ESD to get it going, download going so slow though
Nope midnight EST or 05:00 here...
Option 1!
Option 1!
You can just mount the ISO in windows 8 (by clicking on it) and run the setup
Also, would doing the 'keep nothing' install be good?
Nope midnight EST or 05:00 here...
I hope this does not mimic all those films where an unscrupulous baddie gave away a free OS to millions only for them to be turned into mindless zombies.........
Just forced mine to upgrade with that command line entry someone posted earlier and it is upgrading as I type.
Nope midnight EST or 05:00 here...
Well if you dont mind it deleting all your files / programs and giving you a fresh install then yes (make sure you backup what you want to keep to another drive first!)
The release is regional so it should be midnight here it starts.