Hmm. Bit worried about the keep nothing option. I would assume it only relates to the install drive....
Have 3 pc's to upgrade, 2 have downloaded the BT folder but fail installation.
3rd pc BT folder says 140mb but it's started the install, very strange.
I would guess the servers are being hammered which is the reason for the failures.
Question...should I still install all the motherboard and monitor drivers ect from there disks? or just let windows do everything itself and not bother with the disks? What would you guys do on a fresh install with windows 10?
How do we kick off the update? Or is it a waiting game?
wuauclt.exe /updatenow
How do we kick off the update? Or is it a waiting game?
wuauclt.exe /updatenow
If you are preloaded and want to instal now -
In the Preload folder in Sources directroy there is a file Install.esd copy this to a new folder.
Download esd decrypter -!77869
install 7 zip to extract esd decrypter
Extract all the files and put it in the same folder as install.esd
Right click decrypt install as administrator
choose option 1
This will create the windows 10 iso, right click and mount it then run setup.
I did upgade and keep file and installed fine.
Reddit thread -
Didn't seem to do anything.